Chapter 73: Thursday

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George POV.

Today was the day that Dream was getting out of here and frankly, I was relieved. This would be the last day I would have to see that best friend killer. Then a few days from now Philza would have me come up to his office again and would tell me that he talked to the courts and I was innocent, and that I could go home.

All I have to do is put up with the intrusive asshole for a couple more hours and then I’d be happy. And what was possibly worse was the fact that I had grown to love Dream, despite everything that happened I hoped the escape went well for his sake as well as mine. Even though I know that I owe him nothing.

When the doors opened at breakfast time I took my time to get up. I knew that Dream was going to come and try and talk me into eating, and if it meant that he would be in a better mindset for his escape tonight I would reluctantly allow it. Plus, after only eating a small part of a chocolate bar in the past forty-ish hours my hunger was beginning to catch up with me.

The blond appeared less than a minute later, from the way he was desperately trying to regain his breath and the short amount of time taken it was clear he’d sprinted. That in itself was impressive since in like thirty seconds he got through two cell blocks and several corridors to get here.

“Hey George.” He panted. “How did you sleep?” I just raised an eyebrow, pushing down a bemused expression at how he was acting. But there was no response from me, I felt like I didn’t have to say anything. “O-okay then…” He stuttered after realising I wasn’t going to reply.

“Well anyway, I was hoping that you’d come down and get some breakfast. Just because I’m concerned about you and you do need to eat.” He spoke awkwardly, all confidence I knew around him was completely abandoned. “So… please.”

I didn’t respond with anything, simply stepping towards the door as a way of telling him that I would go, and that seemed to make him brighten up. We didn’t walk in pace with each other, he allowed me to go a few steps ahead so that I didn’t have to look at him, but I could still see his bright yellow eyes and fluffy blond hair a metre or so away from me in the corner of my eye.

It was like this the whole walk to the mess hall, and seemed to shock a few members of our group when they saw me walking in with the blond. Their reactions honestly made me want to smirk, or chuckle. By the time I had reached the usual table after grabbing my food they’d managed to regain their composure.

Dream seemed to make sure I noticed him sitting a couple seats away, with both Punz and Quackity in between the two of us. The two of them, along with the others, kept flicking their gaze’s back and forth to look at both of us, seemingly trying to figure out what was going on, but I just kept my eyes focused on my food while I ate.

I didn’t pay attention to much of what they said, just focusing on the mediocre porridge that was available for us to eat today. Everyone else in the group seemed happy, besides Dream who was also silently eating breakfast. A lot of them kept glancing at one of us, or both of us without saying anything. Eventually I decided to speak up.

“So… today is the day you guys are getting out of here, right?” I spoke quietly, so people at the other tables couldn’t hear. “If all goes well.” Me speaking surprised the group, most of them pausing as they looked over in my direction, pausing in their movements of lifting cutlery to their lips or chewing.

“It is.” Quackity was the one to answer while the rest stayed silent, before repeating the same words as I did with ‘if it all goes well’.
“Well, if you guys get out then I want you to know it has been nice knowing most of you. I hope that you all enjoy your lives once you get out.”

“Are you not coming with us George?” Bad asked, seeming slightly sad by the realisation as he tilted his head curiously.
“No. There is new evidence in my case which means that I might be able to get out of here and go back to what my life used to be like.”

“Oh. That’s sweet.” He said. “Well, I hope that you get let out. You are far too kind to be in a place like this. But it’ll be a shame that you aren’t coming with us.” There was a silence over the group after that, but I couldn’t help but notice the way Sapnap was fidgeting with his fingers, and intentionally avoiding saying anything.

The ravenette’s actions felt strange but I didn’t say anything, after all the escape had absolutely nothing to do with me, and I was finished with my food. After giving the group another smile I stood up and got rid of my tray before leaving the room.

I returned to my cell, since after yesterday I didn’t want to go into the library because of the chance that that gang was hanging around in there. Despite what had happened I was thankful that Dream stepped in to help, even though I would never say so to his face. I curled up on the top bunk and just started reading again, although it was really boring.

My mind just kept flashing forwards to tonight. This would be the last day that I saw the blond, and I felt a mix of emotions. Mainly just flicking between me being pissed that a murderer was getting out unpunished, and happiness that I would finally not have to deal with him. It was weird, and I wasn’t exactly sure what to do about these emotions.

I owed him no sorry, no thank you, so why did I feel as though I was also wanting him back in this cell? In the same bed as me. Holding me close and making me feel as though nothing bad could ever happen to me, and that I would be safe as long as long as he was by my side.

My mind was overwhelmed with all the feelings about him. Who knows how long I just stared blankly at the page of my book, thinking about how if things went differently I could be facing freedom tonight. I could be getting a nice quiet life away from all the rush of life from the city. It honestly didn’t sound too bad, but…

I trailed off in thought. And that’s the last thing I remembered before falling asleep.
1228 words

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