Chapter 53: Dear Technoblade

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Dear Technoblade

I know that it has been a long time since I last wrote a letter to send to you and I am sorry. I have just been really busy here recently, but believe me you are the one person that I wanted to talk to about everything that had happened.

The reason that I didn’t write to you, or find any other way to contact you earlier was because I was worried. I mean, what if you learned about something that happened that made you stressed, and without being able to do anything about it. It would just make me feel bad, knowing that you were worried and couldn’t do anything.

Anyway, a lot of things have happened as I mentioned earlier, and they weren’t the best things either.

Firstly, the cellmate thing. I had told you the new cellmate who replaced you was nice, and while that is true now it was a lie back when I wrote it. The guy who was in my cell at the time, well I didn’t know what crime he committed, it had something to do with sexual assault. And after a week or so he attempted to sexually assault me.

Okay, so it wasn’t just an attempt. He actually did. I was r*ped in my cell during the middle of the night. When it was about halfway through breakfast that morning, Dream, Sapnap, Quackity, and Punz thought it was weird that I wasn’t there and they all came looking for me and the four of them pulled my cellmate off of me and beat him half to death.

That was the day before I got a letter from you, and it took me so long to respond then because you mentioning my cellmate made me remember what happened. But obviously that isn’t your fault and so I don’t know why I am mentioning it here. Maybe because I wanted to let you know since you are my friend.

Before then, Dream had honestly not given me much attention or protection, even though it was part of the deal that you and him made for my safety. Afterwards though, neither of us wanted to be too far away from each other. I felt worried about what would have happened if Dream wasn’t around, and I figure that Dream just felt bad that he didn’t protect me from what happened.

He let me stay in his cell the night afterwards and I slept on his bunk with him because Sapnap was in the other one. They have a lot of connections with prison staff though, and managed to get me moved out of the cell we were in and into my own one, and this time Dream was my cellmate instead.

But that isn’t the reason that I wanted to write to you, weeks after it happened. After finding out about this the warden put me with the therapist who comes in every Wednesday and Friday, and it turns out that he was an old friend, although he wasn’t the best person to have as a therapist because of what happened.

He was Wilbur’s father, the parent of my best friend and the guy that I was accused of murdering. It was awkward at first, but it seems as though he doesn’t think that I am the person who killed his son. I mean, in what world would this not be awkward, and I was given the option of him requesting another therapist coming in specifically for me, but I decided that he was fine.

And I say that it seems as though he doesn’t think I am the person who killed his son because he was being quite nice to me. You wouldn’t be nice to someone who was accused of murdering your son if you believed it, so there’s my reasoning behind that.

Our therapy sessions really helped after what happened, along with the way Dream and his friends were being nice. I’ve grown to love being around Dream, in fact the two of us have been dating for the past couple of days, and that might not be the longest amount of time but he is someone who I feel safe and secure around.

Anyway, the warden made it so that I was having to go to ten therapy sessions with Philza over the span of five weeks. My last session was today, and I even convinced Dream to come with me so he could meet Phil. However before I left I was told something by Phil that he didn’t want to say while anybody else was around.

He told me about our files, as in yours, mine, and Dream’s. I didn’t look at everything that was in there but based on what it said all three of us were arrested on the same day, in the same part of the city, just hours apart from each other. Since then I just felt weird, and I’m trying to convince myself that it’s a coincidence that we all were arrested in that space and time period.

I was wondering why and how you were arrested, cause what Phil told me made me wonder. That’s the main reason that I wrote this letter to you. Even though I know on my first day that you said not to tell people how or why you got arrested, I am just really worried about everything that is going on, along with that I am also wondering if you knew anything about Dream.

I mean, I can ask Dream, but at the moment I am just collecting my thoughts as I’m writing this, so feel free to ignore most of this rambling on paper if you want to. And I know that if I do ask Dream about this he’ll ask a lot more questions and I really do care about him, but don’t want to make him worry about where all this is coming from.

But, even though I am writing this to you I know that I will never get an answer. Dream has a plan to get us out of this prison in the next week, so with any luck the two of us will be somewhere free and safe by the time that you get this letter. So I don’t even know why I am asking these questions and expecting a response, but just more rambling I guess.

Sorry for all of this then I guess, if I even end up sending this to you once I am finished . And I know that I am not going to be getting any answers to my questions if the escape goes to plan, but writing all of this out helps to calm my mind after the stressful morning.

Anyway, if I do end up sending this to you I also want to say thanks for everything; for looking after me, and being my friend. This whole situation for me has been difficult, but with you and Dream being around it felt a lot easier.

I hope that you have a nice life, Techno, and that one day when you get out we will be able to meet again, but until then you have been one of my best friends.

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