Chapter 56: Coincidence

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George POV.

My legs dangled off the side of the bed as I watched Dream moving around the room, although not really paying attention to what exactly he was doing. We’d finished dinner and I hadn’t eaten all of it which clearly upset him, however he didn’t say anything about it as we went to our cell, leaving the rest of the group.

It wasn’t a big loss, leaving them, they were just playing card games and I preferred the idea of cuddling Dream while reading in the bedroom instead of sitting around with Quackity attempting to teach me card games I couldn’t care less about.

The group seemed fine with us all going and said goodnight (although they said goodnight to me more than to Dream). Now I was sitting on the bed, and I could tell the blond had a lot of things on his mind. I wanted to ask what he was thinking about, but was somewhat cautious since he seemed really deep in thought.

“George… are you okay?” He eventually asked, surprising me since it felt like he was in one of his more silent moods.
“Yeah.” I responded. “I am fine.” It felt like the fourth or fifth time he had asked me that today, but I didn’t complain.

“You said that earlier, but it seems like you aren’t.” He added, before pulling his shirt off, since neither of us slept with them on. Then he moved to sit on the bed beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “You know that you can tell me whatever it is that is bothering you, right?”

I simply nodded a yes, since I knew that Dream would be there to love and support me, and help me with anything that I was struggling with. “Good,” he spoke more softly, even sounding relieved when I did that. “I don’t want you to think that I don’t care about you. You’ve been through a lot and I want you to know that I’m here for you.”

“Thanks,” I sighed, leaning against him more. “It’s just… the thing that I am worried about. It might just be me overreacting, and trying to find a problem that isn’t there.” The blond tilted his head in confusion at what I said, but motioned for me to elaborate.

“Phil mentioned it earlier, after he told you that he had something for me. Apparently all three of us; you, me, and Techno, were all arrested on the same day in the same part of the city.”
“Really?” He questioned, hesitating for a couple of moments. “That’s really strange.” It seemed that he was unsure of what I was saying.

“I know.” I nodded. “It feels weird that all three of us got arrested on the same day, in the same part of the city, got put in the same prison, and I’ve been cell mates with both of you.”
“Well the last one might not be a coincidence, especially since we asked to get put in the same cell.”

“Yeah, but the other things aren’t coincidence, it can’t be. You told me once that you met Techno in prison, and I also met you and Techno in prison, so it has to be a coincidence, right?”
“Of course it does.” He replied. “It’s a funny coincidence, but one that exists nonetheless.” I found myself reassured by his words, but reminded me of my question from earlier.

I had wanted to ask Techno about why and how he was arrested, along with a little bit of information about his life before he got here, since I had hoped it would give some light on how all of us ended up in this situation. And because I obviously would not get a response from Techno, maybe I could ask the blond in front of me.

“Hey Dream…” I began, before hearing a hum from the other inmate as a way of signalling he was listening. “I was just wondering how you got arrested. If you wouldn’t mind telling me.” A couple of moments passed where he said nothing, and I felt as though I had said something that Dream didn’t like. I was about to speak up and tell him it didn’t matter, but he talked first.

“I committed a lot of crimes over the years.” He stated. “The police must have just caught up with me the same morning that they got you and Techno.”
“Oh, is that all?” I muttered quietly, thinking that there would be some more cryptic reason, one that also tied into me and the pinkette.

“Yeah, sorry if it wasn’t as interesting as you had hoped.” Dream said in his usual soft and loving tone, which made me feel bad.
“No, it’s nothing like that.” I backtracked. “Just would have thought there was some sort of mystery to be solved, or some theories to be made. You gave me nothing.”

“Sorry,” he repeated, making me blush slightly at the tone he was using.
“Shut up, idiot.” I giggled. “You don’t need to apologise, it isn’t your fault. Well, it is your fault that you got arrested, but other than that it is not your fault.”

The blond chuckled before pressing a kiss to my forehead. “You are funny,” he hummed. “I don’t know why you are thinking these thoughts, but rest assured, there are no connections.”
“Promise?” I asked, sounding somewhat pathetic, but wanting more verbal reassurance to calm me down.

“I promise. Now, how about we go to sleep? You’ve seemed somewhat quiet today and it seems as though you are tired.” I honestly didn’t feel too tired, but did like the idea of cuddling up beside him and so I agreed, making myself comfortable on top of the blond after he laid down.

Dream POV.

Slowly George’s breathing began to even out, showing that he had fallen asleep and so I relaxed. I honestly felt bad lying to the brunette about some things, since I didn’t lie to him about absolutely everything. I examined the Brit’s sleeping body, our bare chests pressed against each other.

He was so perfect, and so undeserving of everything that was happening to him. He shouldn’t be kept in here, with the fear engraved into him of being forced to do something whenever he was out of his cell. The justice system just isn’t fair like that though.

But it wasn’t pure coincidence how I got arrested, despite what I told the brunette, and I did know exactly how Technoblade ended up getting arrested. But neither of those facts would be told to George.
1320 words

I am getting near the end of this story, and that means that tomorrow I am going to have voting for the next one you want me to write. (Currently I am also writing Action, which is an Actor AU, but whatever you vote for will be next).

I'll explain this now but recap it tomorrow evening. You get three votes on whatever stories you want to see most. Then the top three go into a final round and you guys choose your favourite from there.

This time I also have some variations for the stories. Where I could write it for different ships. Such as a Lab AU (which you can vote for tomorrow). That has 3 versions which I could possibly write.
1. (DNF): Dream is an experiment and George is the son of a scientist.
2. (Karlnap): Karl is an experiment and Sapnap is the son of the head scientist.
3. (SBI) [Obviously not a ship in the same sense]: Techno is an experiment, Philza is a scientist at the lab, and Tommy and Wilbur are Philza's sons.

Anyway. I'll mention that there are variations for some stories, and after it has been narrowed down to three you guys can choose from there which version you want.

See you tomorrow then.

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