Chapter 7: Warden's Office

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Techno POV.

My afternoon was absolutely boring since I had to work in the library. While that was usually fine, today I could hear a group consisting of Dream, Sapnap, Bad, and a couple of their other friends chattering away from a table near the middle of the room.

Their conversation wasn’t loud enough for me to hear every word, but I could tell that my name was occasionally mentioned. Just the thought of knowing that people I didn’t like were talking about me about thirty feet away, kept my attention off of reading, George was seeming content though as he sat reading a book of his own beside me.

None of the books in the library were that interesting, however George’s attention was completely transfixed on the pages in front of him, as though he was reading the secret to everlasting life or some equally boring bullshit.

There were two positions for librarians in the prison, and so George and I managed to get him that job. He liked the job because the library was quieter and therefore much safer than the majority of the other places in the prison, and I liked him having the job because he was better than all the other chatty, obnoxious dickheads who applied for this position.

My eyes darted up to a clock on the wall and I grinned to myself as I noticed the longer hand on the clock face had ticked past the 4, meaning it was the start of a new hour and the end of our shift. As I stood up and stretched I lightly bumped the shorter brunette’s shoulder, causing the Brit to look up with me with an expression of confusion.

“We can go now,” I told him, and after he checked the clock as well, George stood up and the two of us walked out of the library, the noise of the rest of the prison slowly filling our ears as we headed in the direction of our cell block to relax. Most of the noise was incoherent chattering which we ignored as the two of us stayed with a content silence between us.

As we had just about reached our cell so that we could relax before dinner, an officer walked over to us. He was a tall, lanky, brunette with grey eyes, wearing a neat blue uniform. “Technoblade,” the man stated as he walked towards me, not showing a shred of interest for the brunette beside me.

“Yes?” I questioned, wondering what I would be bothered for today, afterall I hadn’t done anything against the rules recently.
“The warden wants to speak with you,” he continued, before motioning for me to follow him.

George was confused, “what does Techno have to go see the warden for?” He asked the guard curiously. “Did he do something wrong?”
The taller brunette, the officer, responded with. “Sorry but it’s not my place to say. Now come on Techno you are needed and you know the warden doesn’t like to wait.”

“Fine I’m coming,” I responded, following behind the cop before glancing at George as I headed off. “I’ll see you at dinner,” I told him, before looking away as I headed up to the warden's office up a couple floors.

The officer happily chatted with me as we trudged up a staircase, to where the warden's office, security office, and several other rooms were. This floor is generally unavailable to prisoners, and I was surprised as to why I would be allowed up here, and even more surprised as the guard continued to chat to me, since most guards acted like ex-military drill sergeants..

Whatever small conversation he had started fell quiet once we were standing in front of the warden's office. He knocked on the door on my behalf, before hearing the warden tell us to come in. I opened the door and strided into the room, seeing the warden who seemed the same age as me sitting behind the desk.

His uniform was on neatly, and he had the same build of most of the other guards, with the only difference being his green dyed hair. “Technoblade,” he greeted, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied smile as he beckoned for me to take a seat in front of him. “So I take it you know why I wanted to have a talk with you,” he continued, although I didn’t respond to his question.

“Well, you are moving in a week, remember?” The warden’s smirk was wide at the reminder, and I managed to keep my expression unchanged although that made me worry. Of course I remembered it, does he think I’m some kind of idiot?

For the past month or so, the court has been looking over my case and due to my behaviour in prison, and cautious debate, I was going to be moved to another prison across the country, one closer to my home and my family. Obviously I was looking forward to the fact that I could be closer to home, but part of me worried for George’s safety.

Now, I have met many inmates in the past couple of years I had been locked up in here, and while the majority were your stereotypical six foot bulks all in for assault or murder, there were several smaller, more fragile looking prisoners. Despite their size and looks however, most of them could do a large amount of damage, or were fast enough to evade and avoid hits.

George was one of those more fragile looking prisoners. He wasn’t too openly chatty, which is something that made him easier to put up with than my other cell mates, but from what I did know he has never lifted a weight in his life, never played any kind of sport, and never even witnessed a fight from up close. All in all he was practically defenceless, dare I say it.

Still though, I didn’t allow the warden to see my worry, as far as he could tell I was known as a cold blooded anarchist, and I was planning on keeping it that way. “Is that all?” I asked him, cocking an eyebrow to show that I was unimpressed that this was the reason he called me in to talk to him.

“That is all, I just was told to let you know. We have to send some supplies over there and you are going with them. It’ll be next Tuesday if you want to say goodbye to anyone in particular, you have plenty of friends to say goodbye too.” Then he burst out laughing as though he had told me some hilarious joke, while I remained stone faced and cold.

“Sorry,” he muttered as he regained composure, “it’s just I know that you probably have nobody here to talk to. I haven’t checked the camera’s but I know you, and you aren’t one for making friends. Anyway, Officer Jacobs will take you back downstairs.”

The door was opened and the same brunette who led me up here was standing there, ready to take me back downstairs. It was past time for dinner to start so once I was excused to go that was where I headed, since I assumed that was where George would be, and I knew that there would probably be a group of people perving on him while he was alone.

Sure enough, the mess hall was packed and surprisingly George was being left alone… by some people. The brunette inmate was sitting, body tensed up, while being talked to by half a dozen other guys, and I immediately grew angry when I noticed who they were.
“Dream what the hell!” I asked with a growl as I made my way over to the group.

Everyone turned to look at me and the blond I was glaring at beamed, giving me an overly formal greeting. “Good evening Techno. “How nice to see you. Your lover was having a bit of trouble and so we offered to help him out. You can thank us later.”
“George isn’t my lover,” I growled, feeling pissed at his cocky demeanour.

“And back off, I know the kind of shit you do and you aren’t going to get the chance to do anything with him.”
“For someone who isn’t in love you seem to be awfully protective,” Quackity chuckled, crossing his arms as he spoke but I just ignored him.

“I thought we had a deal for you to leave me alone. Since George is my cellmate, that goes for him as well.” My eyes never went off of Dream as I spoke, and he just responded with an unamused voice.
“You aren’t the king of this prison Techno. I can be around anyone that I want.”

“Techno, we were only hanging around to help him,” Bad spoke up, and I turned to look at him although I wasn’t as pissed at him as I was at the others, afterall Bad wasn’t that much of an asshole.. “While you were gone some of the other inmates tried being mean to this muffin.”

“Well thank you then,” I decided to say, directed towards Bad, mainly.. “All of you besides Dream, thank you. Now if you don’t mind, go back to your table and leave us alone.” Dream didn’t seem to care that I wasn’t thanking him, and kept his smug demeanour as he sauntered over to grab his food.

I wasn’t feeling too hungry at the moment and instead I just sat down at the table beside George, who didn’t say anything as he dug into his meal.
1609 words

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