Chapter 15: Lights out

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Warning, this chapter contains mentions/prelude to r@pe at the end of the chapter. I will put a warning when it starts to get mentioned so you can leave the chapter. Neither Ezra nor I will give any more information than is necessary to the story.

Be careful if you do decide to read this.
George POV.

Ever since my new cellmate moved in, my schedule switched around. A complete one-eighty. I now spent all of my spare time in the library instead of my cell. It just didn’t feel safe in the way that it had when Techno was here.

I woke up long before lights up and immediately left for breakfast, and occasionally a shower. I’d make the delivery for Dream and then I’d go to the library, only leaving for meals or going to the bathroom, or making another delivery. Then after dinner I’d wait until the last possible moment to return to my cell and then be up for hours after that, waiting for my cell mate to fall asleep.

He was just so creepy, and a complete pervert. Whenever I tried to change my clothes it seemed that he’d attempt to get a glance and so now I’d hide myself under my covers and take twice as long to do so. I didn’t even try to talk to him, despite the fact he’d try to start conversations whenever we were in close proximity (which was almost never).

Because of this I knew nothing about him, besides the crime that he had committed to get in here. No name. No age. No hobbies. And no interests. Nothing. I referred to him as just ‘perv’ or ‘cellmate’, if anything. Other than that it was just ‘him’.

My new day to day schedule made me more exhausted. I often found myself drifting in and out of consciousness at dinner, or resting my eyes for long periods of time when I was working my shift in the library. The most awake that I felt in a day was when I was standing in the shower, which I ran at a chilling cold temperature to help wake me in the morning.

Most of the group I sat with at lunch all noticed how I was acting, although most of them didn’t say anything about it. Once again though, the only person who didn’t seem to care was Dream because I still do my deliveries. Bad occasionally asked if I was getting enough sleep though, and offered to take one or two of my deliveries so I could rest, but I always declined.

It was getting late. Most of the other prisoners had gone to bed for the night, however I could see Dream in the corner doing something with his pack of cards, not that he ever acknowledged me. I barely even talked to him unless it was something to do with deliveries, and since this had nothing to do with deliveries we obviously weren’t talking.

Occasionally he did glance at me though, since I was just resting my head on my hands and slowly blinking, attempting to keep myself awake. Just as he looked over in my direction again I let out a yawn, before rubbing my eyes slightly and that seemed to be his cue to stand up and walk over to me.

In the twenty seconds it took him to walk over, my eyes fluttered shut again, and I rested my head back on my arms. There was a light tap on my shoulder which caused me to grumble lightly before glancing up, my vision fuzzy at first from my exhaustion. “You realise you can go to your cell if you are tired. It is almost lights out.” He stated, looking down at me.

For once it seemed like a look of sympathy, unlike anything else that he had shown me. I just brushed him off though as I sat up with a quiet grunt. “I’m fine,” I responded. “I just want to finish this chapter before bed.” At the mention of the chapter I motioned to a book sitting in front of me, it had been sitting there untouched for an hour now, as that is when I started dozing off.

“You are the librarian, can’t you just issue it to yourself so you could take it to your cell and read?” He asked. “That’s what Techno always used to do.”
I shook my head, coming up with a quick lie about how my cellmate wouldn’t like me keeping him up reading.

Maybe I should have told Dream about my fears to do with the other man. About what his crime was, and about the weird vibe he gave off which made my skin run cold. But I was worried that he wouldn’t believe me, especially since nothing has actually happened yet. I hoped that it’d stay that way, but I didn’t want anyone to do anything if I wasn’t sure, despite how scared I am.

“Well you still should get some more sleep.” He continued after I said that I wouldn’t go to my cell to read. “Every time that I look at you it seems you are in a daze. Or like you are going to pass out at any moment. It isn’t good for you.” His expression was one of care and concern, I felt that I had to trust this just because I have never seen him like this before.

“I’ll try,” I just answered, not wanting to commit to anything in case it became the reason something bad happened to me. Dream seemed satisfied with my answer though and he wished me good night before walking out of the room, with me watching him go.

After he left I turned to glance at the clock on the wall, wondering how long I had left until I needed to get back to my cell. 10pm was lights out, and it was currently 9:58pm. So I shut the book I was reading and stashed it under the desk for me to grab tomorrow morning, then I got up and hurried back to my cell so that I wouldn’t get in trouble.

Sure enough, I reached my cell mere seconds before lights out was called, panting and puffing as I went. And expectedly, he was there, sitting on his bunk and smiling at me. It was that same cold smile that would make my skin run cold, however I managed to ignore it, and his immediate attempts to start off conversations too.

I climbed onto my bed, feeling as though I was almost asleep already, and I shuffled under the covers before beginning the long process of attempting to get some of my clothes off without letting my cell mate see anything. Ten minutes of me shuffling after the lights of our cell and all the ones around us had gone out, which only made it more difficult.

Eventually I felt as though I was done and settled down on the uncomfortable bed, listening to the sound of my cellmate’s breathing evening out as he fell asleep too. Who knows how long I sat there until I was confident that I was safe and allowed myself to drop my guard. Once I felt safe I pressed myself as close to the wall as possible and drifted off to sleep.

Later that night.
I’m not doing sparkles for this because obviously it’s a serious topic, anyone who is uncomfortable skip now.

My brain was screaming at me to wake up as I felt my body surge from a lack of oxygen. As soon as I got that message my eyes opened wide, practically popping out of my skull as I felt a hand around my throat, restricting my breathing. Another hand was clamped over my mouth, forcing it shut, and a leg was pressed on each side of my torso, pinning me in place.

Over me was my cellmate, the cold smile even more sadistic than ever as he looked down at me. Immediately fear overtook my body and I attempted to push him off while screaming my lungs out, but he was much bigger and stronger than me and easily stopped any attempts. “Be quiet,” he hissed harshly, tightening his grip around my neck to make me gasp.

For a couple of moments he held me there, I could barely breathe and just as spots began crowding my vision he loosened his grip on my throat. “God,” he groaned lowly, pressing his body against mine. “You have been such a fucking tease ever since I got here. But now, I have you all to myself.”

After he spoke, his lips trailed down to my jawline between both of his hands and he began biting marks. Tears began flooding my vision as he groaned lustfully in my ear and my whole body tensed up as I knew what was going to happen to me.
1523 words

Obviously this is quiet a dark and serious chapter, but I managed to get the Gods Christmas chapter up if you wanted to lighten up the mood.

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