Chapter 48: A week

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George POV.

A week. That was all that was left. Dream promised that in a week we’d be out of here, and then the two of us could be together and live a better life than we’d ever live while we were locked in this prison. I could count the days.

It was going to be great. We were both using books that were in the library or smuggled in by the blond so that we could learn things to help us. The two of us were already planning on building a garden and a pen so that we could have some chickens for eggs, plus the blond had drawn a diagram of what the house looked like and we were planning it out from there.

But I couldn’t help but worry. If this did happen, and if the two of us (and the rest of the guys) managed to escape prison then we’d have to be on the run our entire lives. Anywhere we go there could be people looking for us, meaning that we’d probably stay around the home a lot and it would be like a prison in itself.

We wouldn’t be able to start a family, and even if we did they’d grow up alone since we wouldn’t be able to take them to school, or to play sports, or be in any clubs. Neither of us could have a proper 9-5 job. The two of us wouldn’t be able to go into town to do anything together, not even go clothes shopping for any more than five or ten minutes at a time.

But if I did escape then it would mean that I could never go back to living my normal life, since I was certain that at some point I’d be found innocent and be let out of here. Then I could set up a new life with a new house and a new job.

I sat up and looked around the cell, before looking down at Dream who was still asleep. He looked so perfect and was so kind and caring, despite the fact that he was a criminal. With a small hum I pressed a kiss onto his forehead. Then I moved out of the bed, being cautious not to wake him up. I figured that if I was awake then I could do some more reading.

When I’d climbed off of the bed I moved over to the storage locker in the corner of the cell and opened it, glancing momentarily at the blond as I did to make sure I didn’t wake him up. Inside I kept a lot of my stuff, including some books, and a flashlight. I grabbed one of each of those before climbing into the top bunk so I could read without disrupting the sleeping blond.

My bed on the top bunk was colder, since I didn’t have Dream to cuddle with me. But I did get some more room which I did like. I flipped open the book, going to the page I’d finished on the previous day. After reading books about cooking and carpentry I was growing rather bored of that stuff, so I was now reading some fantasy story which I found interesting.

It was quite fun to read about. There was a girl who was cursed to die on her tenth birthday because of the day she was born, and because of that she is hated by everyone in the village and blamed for anything that goes wrong. On the day that she is meant to die she gets rescued from the curse and taken to a magical town where it can’t reach her.

The girl is meant to complete a series of trials in order to be allowed to live in the town, and if she fails then she has to return to her normal life where the curse would be able to get her. It also says that everybody who competes in the trials has some special power but she doesn’t have one.

I found this story amazing, it was something that I found when I was working in the library and did what I had always done. I’d read the back of the books and if they sounded interesting then I’d start reading them, which I did. This seemed like something that Dream would be into, so maybe I’d have to recommend the story to him when I was finished.

Just as I finished the fifteenth chapter I heard a groan from below me. “Georgie,” Dream hummed out tiredly. “Why are you up there?”
“I wanted to read, and I didn’t want to wake you up.” I explained, leaning over the side to look down at him.

“Awww,” He hummed out. “That’s sweet of you, but you could still cuddle with me and read while I’m asleep. I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I replied, taking note of my page before shutting my book. My hand moved to dangle off of the side of the bunk, and Dream took it in his.

The position may have been somewhat awkward but we both enjoyed just holding each other’s hands. “Have I told you that I think you are beautiful?” He hummed with an awestruck gaze as he looked up at me. The comment caused me to pull my hand away from his and lightly swat him.

“Why have you gotten so flirty recently?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Before yesterday you’d compliment me, but never talk about how pretty I was.”
“Yeah, but before yesterday I wasn’t your boyfriend either.” He pointed out. “And reminding you of that kind of stuff is the most basic rule.”

“You are a criminal. When do rules apply to you?” I questioned, seeing as this was the second or possibly third thing that he apparently does but only has to do with me.
“They apply when there are pretty brunette’s around.” Dream hummed, causing my face to blush a faint red.

“George you are going to have to get used to this when we’re out of here with a life together. I am going to be complimenting and flirting with you every chance I get, because you are so pretty when you blush, although you are pretty at most times in the day.”

“You are such an idiot.” I grumbled, moving to climb off of the bed, seeing as I was no longer going to be waking him up I may as well cuddle with the aforementioned idiot.
“But you love this idiot.” He pointed out, pressing a kiss onto my forehead as I rejoined him in the bottom bunk.

It was Friday morning, and I would be having my final meeting with Philza today. I looked over at the blond as I thought of that, before piping up with a suggestion. “Hey Dream.” I said after a few minutes of thinking. “I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to my therapy session today.”

The blond seemed confused at what I said. He sat up before looking down at me with a raised eyebrow. “Why were you wanting me to come with you? Is there some reason?”
“Well I know the therapist.” I explained. “And I kinda think it’d be cool if he met you. Though I can’t guarantee he’d like you because you’re a criminal.”

For a second, Dream listened to what I said before nodding. “That might be a cool way to spend my day.” He hummed. “Sure, I’ll come with you.” A grin appeared on my face, and so I gave him an appreciative kiss on the cheek before muttering ‘thanks’.
1280 words

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