Chapter 59: Arrest

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Dream POV
Continuing in same time frame again

“Let me out here.” Techno instructed after we’d been driving for a while and the sirens had once again gotten quiet.
“Does this mean that you forgive me for my awesome driving and we can go back to committing crimes together?” I questioned as I did as he said.

For a moment the pinkette fell silent before letting out a sigh. “I have to think about it.” He eventually stated. “Not today. I think that after this I need a break.”
“A break?” I questioned. “From me?” But we are best friends. Partners in crime.”
“I know. It’s just… I don’t know, this might be a good time to take a break.”

That confused me, Techno was as much of a confident thrill-seeker as I was, so him wanting to take a break was the equivalent of the smartest kid in school failing a maths test. “Why would you want to take a break, Techno?” I questioned, my brows furrowed.

“Cause we’ve been committing crimes since before we left high school. Are we really going to be doing this for the rest of our lives? Or maybe we could do something normal, get actual jobs where we don’t get arrested. Maybe start a family, or at the very least get friends who aren’t also criminals.” He rambled on.

“Where is the fun in that?” I scoffed, crossing my arms as I looked over at him.
“It’s not fun.” Techno responded. “But that’s life. I want to be able to do some normal things Dream, without worrying whether I will get arrested or not.”
“So this was our last crime together, forever?” I asked, watching as he stepped out of the car.

“For now at least.” He concluded. “If you want to keep committing crimes or whatever then I won’t stop you and I won’t turn you in. In fact, I will pretend I never met you. See you round Dream.” With that he walked off, carrying his money bag and looking around cautiously to make sure nobody was watching.

“Oh,” he called back. “Make sure you burn the car to get rid of all our fingerprints since you always forget!” I rolled my eyes, before yelling out to him that I would. I then watched, feeling a mixture of emotions as he slipped into the alleyway.

I didn’t expect our criminal lifestyles to last forever. At some point it would have to end and we would have to go on living a normal life. But I figured that would be ten years from now, not when we were in our early thirties. It just felt too short-lived.

But I didn’t bother hanging around for too long, since the cops were definitely still scouring the area for the two of us. This time as I drove though, I made sure to drive just under the speed limit without passing any of the other vehicles on the road to avoid any attention as I headed in the direction of a junkyard on the outskirts of the city.

This was where Techno and I ditched most of our vehicles after our crimes. It was often quiet so we’d drive the cars here, burn it, and leave anything that survived to be crushed or recycled by the junkyard. Then we’d buy relatively cheap cars, do a little bit of reno to make them look nice, commit crimes in them, and bring them back here all over again.

Techno was the one who was more responsible when it came to covering our tracks. He made sure we never left any evidence at the scene, or any personal belongings in the car. It was a relatively simple job so I was certain that I would be able to do it without him.

It took about fifteen minutes to get to the junkyard, but it felt a lot longer. Perhaps it was because I was usually able to talk with Technoblade to help the time pass a lot faster. When I finally pulled up around the side of the junkyard, the car slowed to walking speed as I navigated it through a narrow hole in the wall.

This had been here long before Techno and I started using it. A local gang of teenagers from one of the nearby neighbourhoods liked to come here to muck around, doing drugs, making out, and destroying stuff. Every time that the owners repaired the fence or tried to stop the teens they’d find another way in so he gave up.

Fires were relatively common as a pastime for teenagers, and the hole in the fence was quite close to some cars. Therefore, it was easy for us to drive the car in and torch it without anybody around thinking we were anything other than part of the group of teenage punks who wanted to be gang members. Or I, since Techno didn’t want to be a part of this anymore.

After I slowed the car to the stop I stepped out. Trash was piled up all around me, the aforementioned cars, fridges, chairs, even bathtubs separated into piles around me. From where the car was there was no chance it would be able to spread and cause an even bigger fire, one which would either attract attention or burn down the city, since I didn’t want that.

In the backseat the pinkette had set a can of gasoline and in the glovebox was some matches for me to torch this thing once I’d grabbed my stuff. Once I’d checked my pockets to make sure I had my phone and wallet and keys I grabbed my money and the matches before stepping out. It was a simple job and despite what Techno said, I’d done it dozens of times.

Pour the gasoline inside the car to start with, first the backseat then the front seat. After they have all been thoroughly coated with at least two thirds of the tank (since the interior would be where all the evidence is), you use whatever’s left on the outside. When I was done I threw the empty gasoline can into the front seat before slamming the door and then I struck a match.

After a couple of seconds just admiring the match burning away in my hand I threw it onto the roof of the car, immediately causing the flame to spread. It glowed brightly and lit up the night while also warming me. For a couple moments I stood there, watching as the small blaze made its way through the open window and into the interior, continuing its destruction.

Before I turned to leave I pulled my gloves off and pocketed them, but my hand brushed against the pocket knife I had used to kill that prostitute earlier. There was some blood on it, which annoyed me since it meant there was now blood in the pockets of my clothes. In an annoyed fit at this I threw the knife down with a scoff.

As I turned to leave though I heard shouting. At first I thought that it might be either some of the rowdy teenagers or perhaps some security, but the flashing blue lights appearing in the corner of my eye and bathing the surrounding area put fear into me.

Somehow, they had followed me all the way out here and now they would be able to get me. I panicked. Techno was the one who prepared for this kind of stuff and he wasn’t here. Desperately I looked around for some sort of exit, my hand moving to the pocket knife which was covered in now drying blood for some form of protection.

But whatever weapon I had didn’t matter as I saw the flashing blue lights appearing in more directions, and more voices adding into the mix of shouting. I couldn’t count them all but there would be no way that I’d be able to get away from all of them on my own.

This was going to be my last day of freedom.
1444 words

So the votes have been counted up, and the results show that the winner is Howl in the Night.

Meaning that after King of the Cell and after Action, this is going to be the story written.

Reminder that I will end up doing all the stories (hopefully) at some point.

I can just see how the story will go now:

Dream (a werewolf alpha): So George you are my soulmate.
George (a human who's only experience with werewolves is omegaverse): Does that mean I go into heat?
Dream (who failed biology): what's a heat?

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