Chapter 57: Robbery

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Dream POV.

Slowly George’s breathing began to even out, showing that he had fallen asleep and so I relaxed. I honestly felt bad lying to the brunette about some things, since I didn’t lie to him about absolutely everything. I examined the Brit’s sleeping body, our bare chests pressed against each other.

He was so perfect, and so undeserving of everything that was happening to him. He shouldn’t be kept in here, with the fear engraved into him of being forced to do something whenever he was out of his cell. The justice system just isn’t fair like that though.

But it wasn’t pure coincidence how I got arrested, despite what I told the brunette, and I did know exactly how Technoblade ended up getting arrested. But neither of those facts would be told to George.

Back before I was in prison, Techno and I had known each other, not just as acquaintances who happened to meet once or twice during our time on the streets, and not just as rivals attempting to outcompete each other either. But we were friends since childhood, and partners in crime when we committed… well… crimes.

Both of us lived great lives as partners and worked really well together. We were both strong and relatively smart, but the real difference between us was planning. Techno was amazing at planning everything to make sure we always had a back-up plan if something went wrong. I was great at being able to track the police, after being able to steal a police radio to use.

In fact, our falling out was the day before we ended up getting arrested, and actually had something to do with the other’s strengths when it came to our crimes, believe it or not. But I knew that it was very much not a coincidence.

A few months ago

“Four thousand five hundred and ninety… four thousand five hundred and ninety five… four thousand six hundred!” I heard Techno practically cheer as he finished counting before smirking over at me. “Not bad for one night's work, is it Dream?”
“No, it’s not bad at all.” I replied. “Two thousand three hundred each.”

“Can you ever imagine how our families wanted us to go to university. What stupid school would be able to teach us to earn this much in a night?”
“I know right.” I chuckled. “Maybe we should blow some of this on a vacation!”

“Ooh a vacation.” The pinkette cooed playfully, it sounding quite amusing in his monotone voice. He began to shove money back in the bag. “Where do you plan on taking me, Dream?”
“Somewhere warm without these dickhead police officers.” I answered with a growl.

A loud siren was echoing through our ears as a police car suddenly zoomed out of a sidestreet in an attempt to cut us off. I was honestly surprised by that and swerved suddenly, causing both myself and Techno to jerk as I regained control of the car. “Why are you driving like this asshole?” Techno questioned, glaring at me. “I thought you raced cars as a kid.”

“Oh that,” I remembered before turning suddenly in an attempt to keep the officers tailing us on their toes. “I lied so that you would think I was cool.”
“Of course you did.” Techno rolled his eyes. “Now watch the road and try not to kill us, please.”

“Don’t worry dear, my driving skills are perfect.” I reassured before doing as he said. It was common for us to bicker like a married couple, seeing as this lifestyle made it hard to have other connections. Despite us being both dangerous and dashingly handsome, any man or woman we ended up with could turn us in, so we’d become lone wolves, aside from a few hook-ups.

I grabbed the dial for the radio and began to fiddle with it, ignoring Techno’s requests to look back to the road. Eventually I got onto the police’s radio channel which had been one of my greatest discoveries for our crimes. Techno’s yelling was drowned out by the staticky sounds of police officers calling to each other, trying to coordinate a trap to try and get us in.

The night sky made the flashing lights appear even brighter, reminding me of some sort of party, which was a good reminder since I was going to a party at the house of a notable swinger tonight. I smirked as I thought about what I could do when I was there, how I could take my half of the money and spend it on some lucky person I came across, but I can focus on that later.

This was too easy though, I’ve done it a million times and I was at the point where I could start to get cocky with it, which is exactly what I did. Once again Techno began complaining towards me as I began to speed up more, weaving between cars on the road. I laughed maliciously as we did, seeing the way Techno was clutching the dashboard worriedly.

It was easy to tell that I was an adrenaline junkie, laughing as we dodged cars and the police began to slow down in an attempt to avoid crashing into civilians. When the sirens grew quieter and the blue and red flashing dimmed down, the pinkette let out a breath of relief before telling me to pull over in an alleyway.

I did as I was told, turning into a quieter side street and from there going into an alleyway. It was relatively quiet except for a couple stumbling drunks from a nearby bar. None of them seemed sober enough to recognise us if any police asked them questions later. With a final laugh I turned off the headlamps before slumping back in my seat.

“Dream…” Techno groaned, his hand moving up to rub against his forehead. “That was fucking insane.” He glowered over at me, not that I was paying attention.
“I know right!” I responded before letting out a loud chuckle.
“No Dream, not insane fun, insane crazy.” The pinkette stated.

“Isn’t that why we are doing this?” I asked with a chuckle, seeming somewhat . “Cause the two of us are insane.”
“No it isn’t. We were doing it to get rich and you are going to get us killed while doing it.” The pinkette growled at me.

“We always knew that there was a chance that we’d die. That was part of the thrill.” I reminded him, before growing annoyed as he scoffed at me.
“Well you taking stupid risks and not listening to me will get us killed a lot sooner. I told you earlier to be careful, but you tripped an alarm.”

“Maybe it was because I wanted a bit of fun?” I replied. “Whenever I am with you and we aren’t doing this you are cooped up in your room reading.”
“So is that it? Because you are too lazy to come up in my room and ask to do something you are instead going to make us more likely to get killed or arrested?”

“It might be. Do you have a problem with that Techno?” I questioned. That somehow set him off into a rant, talking about how I was going to get us both caught and/or killed at some point, eventually concluding his rant with a ‘I can’t believe I ever thought working with you would be a good fucking idea!’

The pinkette followed that up by grabbing one of the money bags, the one that had his share of what we’d stolen, and he stepped out of the car, telling me that he was leaving.before storming off down one of the connecting alleyways and leaving me alone.
1316 words

Oh no... Dream lied.

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