Chapter - 003

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It was dark when I woke up the curtains around my bed were still shielding me from the rest of my room, baelor was against my chest while the spot otto was laying not too long ago was empty. A yawn broke through me as I stretched my body out moaning a bit in the process, I moved my son gently back into the middle of the bed before moving to throw back the curtains and getting out of bed. The light from the sun was painting half of my room orange when I walked over to balcony doors, I ran my nails gently against my scalp as the morning bell ranged waking everyone in king's landing up for the day. My white sleeping gown brushed against the floor as I walked over to my door to open it, my feet padded against the cool stone floors towards my children's rooms which weren't that far away.

"Good morning, my lady." The young girl, Meya, walked up to me before stopping and bowing her head.

"Good morning, Meya. Are the kids in their room?" Meya nodded before explaining that they were getting dressed for today, I nod listening noticing the girl looked out of sorts. I couldn't pinpoint what it was that made her seem disparate, I guess you could say, she seemed angry or bitter about something.

"Are you alright, meya? You seem upset." The young maid looked at me taken back causing my head to tilt slightly to the side, she blinked away her shock before shaking her head.

"I'm fine, my lady. Just a bit...I'm not myself this morning thats all." My brows frown at her words wondering what could be the matter.

"If your ill you need not worry about me, you should go back to your quarters and I can have your sister help me dress." Meya shook her head rapidly as she tried to convince me she wasn't ill and that she was still able to help around.

"Are you sure?" She nodded with a smile, I looked at her for a second before letting it go, and she smiled gratefully as she walked past me and follow her back to my room.

The morning was like any other morning you and your children had breakfast in your chambers like always, and you asked them about activities they had planned for today since they didn't have to be with their septa.

"We were going to go horseback riding, but father said we had no time," Crowyn said digging into his eggs, my face scrunched up in confusion as I glanced at my son over the rim of my cup.

"Why wouldn't you have time?" I asked putting my cup down.

"The trip, of course, he said you wanted to go to diftmark for a few days. He said you felt homesick." Aeron said looking at me, I blinked at him taken back I never said that why would he lie to our children, my eyes wandered over to the two maids who stood like a statue with wide eyes, I looked at Alora who looked at me before turning her eyes away, meya did the same as I look at her not before I noticed the guilt in them.

"Mother? Is everything alright?" Aeron asked, my head turned back to them but my eyes were on the table trying to keep my emotions at bay, I exhale softly before looking up at my children as they stared back at me with confusion and worrisome eyes.

"Of course, my love. It must have slipped my mind, now finish up, I will need to leave soon, and you all need to put on your gear so we can fly to diftmark." I said before slowly pushing my chair back, the triplets and baelor looked excited at the mention of flying, meaning they will see my black he-dragon, Rhaemyx. I walk away from the table my eyes caught meya and Alora as I beckoned them near the fireplace.

"I am not easy to anger, but right now I am in no mood for liars. What is going on." The young girls in front of me looked at their feet in fear and guilt, it wasn't until a minute later that meya lifted her eyes to look at me when I got my answer.

"There was word that Lord Hightower had solicited an annulment from the High Septon." My eyes glanced at the table with my children feeling an ill feeling turn in my stomach, I turned my gaze back to the girls as my hand was threaded in front of me, I look in a deep breath before asking why.

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