Chapter - 26

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When the door close between the three men, rhaelle look away from meleah and bow her head.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Rhaelle asked lifting her head up to look at meleah.

"Because it isn't fair." Meleah said getting up out of her sit and coming around the table.

"What isn't fair? Who am I being unfair to, daemon?" She asks watching the girl walk around the table.

"No, you. Rhaelle. This wasn't all about Daemon, it was about you too." Meleah stop just three feet in front of the queen, "It is not fair that you make everyone around you happy while you stand in the corner watching."

Rhaelle sighed, "I am contented in doing just that I want the people I care about to be happy–"

"So do I. But, how can I be happy when my best friend is not."

They stand there in silence. Meleah glance away and was playing with the hem of her sleeve, rhaelle sighed before scratching the back of her neck.

"I know you mean well, but I need to know everyone around me is happy before I can let myself be." Meleah shook her head before stepping closing and grabbing her friend's hand and squeezing it.

"You can not lie to me." Rhaelle furrows her brows and tilts her head to the side.

"I am not."

"Yes, you are. I can see in your eyes that what said isn't the truth. " Rhaelle cast her eyes away from her friend.

"I know the real truth is that you are scared of being happy because deep down somewhere in your heart you are scared that it won't last." Rhaelle hums at the consideration of that too, "But, you do not have to fear no more, my queen. I am here and the reason I have stayed by your side is because I must make sure you thrive and that you are happy." Rhaelle gave a smile and move her other hand to put it on top of her friend's hand.

"Thank you," she says," but, you can not control fate only fate has the power to  bring me happiness or sorrow, I have learned long ago that fate is impossible to beat." Rhaelle looks down at their hands.

"Believe me I do not attend to beat her but to kill her and take her place, I will make sure you are happy and will continue to be happy until your last breath or mine." Rhaelle smile before letting go of Meleah's hand and grabbing her shoulder pulling her into a hug, meleah did not hesitate to wrap her arms around her waist and back squeezing her.

"I am thankful that your god brought you to me," rhaelle mutters resting her cheek on her friend's shoulder.

"As am I, my friend." They both pull back and smile at one another.

There was a knock at the door before it opened making the two women look, daemon walk through with his hair loose not wearing his usual red and black clothing but the colors of house velfrey.

"My queen." He bow before sitting up straight, he stood in front of the still-open double doors, "Am I interrupting?" He questions looking between rhaelle and the woman from the night he went to find rhaelle.

"Not at all." Rhaelle's mouth close when Meleah spoke before her, "I was just leaving." Meleah look away from Daemon and back at Rhaelle, she gave her friend a look before curtsying and turning.

Rhaelle watches Meleah walk from her and see Daemon walk towards her, before Meleah walks past Daemon, she stops him with her hand on his forearm. Rhaelle furrow her brows when she saw Meleah lean up and whisper to Daemon making his face contort in surprise and amusement, when meleah was finished she pulled back smiling at daemon before walking out into the hall with the three men.

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