Chapter - 43

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Two months. Two months of being announced queen of the serpent isles, Two months of traveling around westeros visiting lords and ladies. Two months of tension between me and daemon, and two months of him and meleah still acting strange and suspicious around me.

My plan to forget what happen at King's Landing didn't go as I wanted, I hope that me and daemon could forget about the whole ordeal but with what happen with my mother. I feel that it just made the situation worst, the things my mother said made me think. Daemon and I were doing so good for the past year, and then the moment we came to the Red Keep it all fell apart. I keep asking myself why would he take rhaenyra to the brothel after everything he did and said in my chamber hours prior to what happen, it didn't make any since the only explanation that makes since on why he would do that is  he knew what happen between me and viserys.

But, that's impossible unless meleah saw viserys coming from my chamber that night and told daemon, but that couldn't have happen if she stayed the night with me and daemon was already out of the castle with the princess by then. The more I thought the more I came up empty, soon enough my mother's word stab at me like thorns. Could it be that daemon never changed? He was just faking the entire time. Did he do this out of revenge for making him jump through hoops like some dog, did he ever really love me.

No. I can't think like this. I do not need to think I like this right now, I have the princess coming to visit to see Aeron and the maester have apprise me that I had to take it easy for the little one. All of this thinking is stressing me to no end, by the time my wedding comes all my dark hair will match my white streaks. 

The side of my head rest on my fist pretending to listen to the lords in front of me talk about something, I lost track of what they were saying when they brought up a mule, this was my sixth time in the row being in the throne room today to work out some dilemma between lords about business they can take care of themself.

"My lord, please, must we use foul language in front of the queen." I snap back to reality at banneth's voice beside me, making me look at him and back at the men.

The lord in question apologized bowing his head, I look at banneth motioning for him to come here with my finger. He bend turning his head so I can pretend I was whispering something important in his ear, but in actuality I was telling him to end this so I can go. Banneth nod before clearing his throat and looking back at the two lords.

"Her majesty, thinks the best way to settle this problem is by separation..." As banneth talks, a maid walks through the door handing me a message, the princess has arrived, I look back up as the men nodded to the arrangement.

"Thank you for your time, my queen." Lord Oslo said.

"You welcome, Lord Oslo. Lord Quogue. I hope you both have a safe trip back home."  Both lords smile at me before bowing their heads towards me, they turn leaving the room as they talk.

I sigh slumping back into my throne with a exhausted look on my face, my hand went to belly rubbing it.

"My Queen, is something wrong." Banneth ask moving to stand in front of me, I hum as I rub my eyes.

"The princess is making her way to the castle, as we speak, I will need aeron in the throne room immediately." Banneth nod.

"I'll send a maid on my way back to the tower," I hum in response, he left leaving me alone in the throne room.

I close my eyes leaning my head back, just need a little peace to myself before the avalanche of probelms that would befall me once rhaenyra is here, luckily daemon is out flying with baelor and marra, so I won't have to deal with him for a well.

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