Chapter - 008

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It was nightfall and the stars were out, you could see it through baelor's window. You look down to see him fast asleep, you quirk a smile remembering him squealing at the sight of you in the hall with valaena.

"Mommy!" Rhaelle pulled away from her daughter to see baelor and her mother standing at the double doors, rhaelle wipe her face to cover the fact that she was crying and plastered on the biggest smile. She could conjure up and hurried over to her son who ran in her arms when she dropped to her knees to hug him.

"My sweet baby boy, oh how I missed you." She planted kisses all over his face making him laugh and turn away, rhaelle finally pulled back to see him with a toothy grin.

"I missed you too, mama. Where did you go?" He asked curiously, rhaelle looked at her mother who stood behind baelor with a look making rhaelle sigh before looking back at her son.

"I had to go away and find us a new home, baby." She said as he took one of her dark dreads into his hand and twirl it around his finger.

"I thought this was our home," He asked looking at her confused, rhaelle bite her lip knowing this was going to be hard to explain. She was so focused on getting valaena to reconsider marrying that she forgot what she was going to say to her five-year-old.

"It is. But, mommy found us our own home with a beautiful beach and a nice place for you to play...." Baelor frowns as his mother lists off all the things that their new "home" has making him grow sadder at the thought of leaving.

"B–But, I don't want–want to leave, I want to stay. I don't want to go..." Baelor cries getting upset and hiccuping, his little hands wiping at his wet cheeks as he told his mother of the task that his grandsire gave him before he left for war.

"Oh, no, no, no. Baby, don't cry, we don't have to leave now, we can leave whenever you're ready." Rhaelle said pulling baelor to her and picking him up, she gently rocks him as she whispers soft sorries into his hair.

She looks over at her mother as baelor cries into her shoulder making rhaenys give her a sad look in return making rhaelle sigh feeling like a failure, she was a fool to think she could have tried to spare her child heartbreak by telling him the great things about their new home. As rhaelle mentally kick herself as she failed to calm her child down, she went over to her mother and ask if she could help her get baelor to bed.

"No, I think you are capable enough to do it yourself," Rhaelle looks at her mother with fear in her eyes as she bounces her son in her arms.

"Mother–" rhaelle was cut short by rhaenys.

"You have been gone a year not a century,  I think you know how to handle an upset toddler." Rhaelle look unsure feeling that her son hates her for not being there and leaving abruptly, baelor continued to cry making his tears soak into rhaelle's shirt, rhaenys move closer to her daughter with her hand on her shoulder causing the woman to look at her.

"He misses you. Use this time to spend some time with him, alright?" Rhaelle still looks unsure but nodded nonetheless, rhaenys gave her daughter a reassuring smile and her shoulder a squeeze, "Good. Now if you could excuse me and valaena, it seems I need to re-educate the child on how to treat her grandmother." Rhaenys chided looking over rhaelle's shoulder with a sharp glare at her granddaughter, who she had a bone to pick with the young girl for blindsiding her.

Rhaelle looks between her mother and daughter knowing how her mother could get when she's angry and decided to take her leave and left the hall to give her mother some time to scold her granddaughter.

When rhaelle got to baelor's room, she took him over to the rocking chair that was made by her father as a gift to her mother when she was born. Rhaelle took a seat and rocked in it before playing with baelor's hair, she started to sing to him knowing that he likes it when she sings especially in valyrian. His cries decreased ever so slightly as she rocks him to sleep, she sang one of his favorite songs getting him to relax in her arms.

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