Chapter 57

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Rhaelle haven't been to dragonstone in years, the last time she was there was when viserys invited her and her family to celebrate helaena's fifth nameday. A week long celebration ended up being a three day stay after daemon got into a argument with viserys, daemon wouldn't tell rhaelle or laena what it was about so they ended up not bringing it up again.

Rhaelle held gaemon and gaela's hand while baby daena slept soundly in the baby wrap carrier on her chest, they walk behind as daemon walk ahead with their other children. Before coming here rhaelle had to tell maekar and baelon that they had to apologize to rhaenyra and her sons for the words they said in the tunnels weeks ago, they werent happy about it but rhaelle didn't want any sensation between the children and beside jacerys and lucerys didn't deserve to be call such words, they are actually sweet children. But, their mother on they other hand is a different story, she is how old and still acting like she is in her younger years.

"Mama..." rhaelle was pull out her thought by gaela making her look down at her daughter in question as they stop in the chamber of the painted table, "....I don't like it here, it's scary." Gaela said glancing around the room uncomforable making Rhaelle frown and look around the room too, yes the place is a bit gloomy especially with the dark colors and the odd paintings on the wall. 

"I know darling but all it needs is a bit of sunshine and a touch of love, and it will be like living in pentos again." Gaela look over at her brother, gaemon, who was burying in his face in rhaelle's side not liking the scary dragon paintings around.

"Okay, mama." Gaela said softly making rhaelle give a small smile as her hand rub gaela's back before she pull the girl close to her.

As daemon left to summon the servants to get their things, rhaenyra and her children walk in the chamber of the painted table.

"Princess Rhaelle." Rhaenyra acknowledged softly with her hand clasp together and front of her, she look over at her younger cousins, "Princesses and princes." She greeted with a head bow, rhaelle's children look back at her with blank looks while aemon gave a small smile and greeted her back.

"Princess Rhaenyra," rhaelle said monotone before looking at her nephews and neice, "Hello, prince jacerys, lucerys, and princess jaenara." Jacerys and lucerys greeted rhaelle back but jaenara stayed quiet as she stood by her mother.

"Where is our husband, princess." Rhaenyra ask as her eyes glancing around the room before coming closer making rhaelle look her up and down. 

"I believe to summon the servants." Rhaenyra hmm with a nod before the room was filled with silence, rhaelle look over at vaelon and maekar to see them looking at the table with aemon in awe.

"Maekar. Baelon." The three boys look over at their mother as they take a step back from the table, "Do you have something you would like to say to your cousins." The boys scowl softly at their mother who raised a brow at them as she gave them a hard look.

Maekar sigh as he walk from the table to stand a few feet away from rhaenyra and her children with baelon following behind.

"Luke. Jace. I'm sorry." Maekar said as he look at his younger cousins before looking at rhaenyra, "I am sorry to you too, princess rhaenyra." Rhaenyra nod her head.

"Your apology is accepted, young prince." Rhaenyra says as jace and luke nod in agreement of their mother, maekar elbow baelon making the toung boy huff with a eyeroll.

"I'm sorry too." He said montone as he stare at rhaenyra blankly, rhaenyra narrow her eyes at the young boy before rethinking and giving him a small smile.

"Thank you, young princes." Rhaenyra look at rhaelle as if waiting for her to say something, rhaelle quirk a brow at the princess making her look away from her, she should knew better to think that rhaelle was going to apologize for hitting her.

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