Chapter - 004

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The day started winding down to nightfall. I spent dinning in the hall of nine, I stayed quiet the whole dinner with my father as he wore a unbothered look on his face, while my mother look at me in concern. The childern did more of the talking as they talk about the usual amongst themselves, as servant was pouring me my eightth glass of wine since I sat down, a man rush in going to my father whispering in his ear.

My father look at me and my mother before giving a curt nod to the man, he push his chair back and stood up straight.

"I am turning in for the night," he said kissing his wife before turning to his childern and grandchildren, "Goodnight, my sea dragons." They smiled and bid  goodnight to their kepa and grandsire as he past them, he walk out of the room not sparing me a glance.

I glance away looking back at my plate that was still full of red meat and vegetables, I sigh into my cup downing the wine and feeling the sweet fuzziness that starts slowly consuming me.

"She had enough." My mother said looking at me from across the table with her own cup in her hand, I stare at her as the servant stop midway from pouring me another cup.

"I don't think she has." I held up my cup for servant to pour, only for them to stop when my mother spoke up again.

"I say that you have." She gave me a stern looking making me roll my eyes as I set my empty cup down.

"I am an adult, mother. If I wish to have another drink I think I should, especially with the day I had." I whispered the last bit to myself making her tilt her head to the side as she look at me, she turn her head and told the childern it was time for bed making them moan and complain about how early it was. She gave them a that look only a mother can conjure up making them sigh, and get up taking baelor with them.

"Goodnight." I said watching them walk away up the stairs to their chambers, I turn back in my seat looking at my mother.

"When the last time you and Vala talk." My mother asked, I furrowed my brows confuse.

"What do you mean, like a sex talk?" She shook her head moving from her seat to where my father was previously.

"No, just talk about how she is or how she been faring." I thought about it and I don't think we every really talk in that way, she spends most of her time with her septa or in the library. The only time we talk is during dinner but that just me asking how her day have been.

"I don't think we have, she doesn't really talk to me about thinking about it, I feel as if we are strangers to one another." I look at my mother with a small frown before asking why, she look at me for a moment and shrug one shoulder, she lean back in the chair before speaking.

"She seems a bit...detached." I furrow my brows, valaena never gave off being distant or off, but than again you didn't spend that much time with her to know.

"Do she?" An unsettling pit nested inside your gut at being so blind to your daughter behavior, I tried to be there for my other childern and keep tabs on them. But, when baelor came along it was hard to focus on the triples, but I still try to be there for them.

"It's probably nothing to fret about, she probably sense something is wrong. She's a very punctilious child, my dear." That only made my frown deepened, if my daughter notice I am not happy than she will expect that something is wrong and will console her brothers on the matter, and soon they start asking questions, I'm not sure I'm ready to answer those quite yet.

"Yes, uhmm..." I nodded before clearing my throat, "I should get to bed, it's getting late." My mother's hand stop me from leaving the table making me look at her in question.

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