10 Years Later

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My hand rested on the balustrade as I look out at the sunrise coming up from behind the Bay of Pentos, everyone else was still asleep including daemon that I know of he left in the middle of the night to sleep in laena's chamber. I like coming out here, the air is nice not too hot not too cold, I can smell the ocean mix with the smell of flowers that laena and the girls planted around the castle.

The first thing they wanted to do to make this place feel like home, my girls.

I was pull back from my mind and look over to the door of the roof, a servant boy came walking out with a scroll in his hand. I got my cane that rest next to me and use it to limp over to him.

"Morrow, princess." The boy said handing me the scroll.

"Morrow." I said back opening the message and seeing it was from king's landing, "Is anyone awake?" I look up from the message and at the servant making him nod.

"Yes, lady laena and prince daemon are along with the rest of your children, they are waiting for you in the dining hall for breakfast." I nod giving the message back to the young boy to dispose off, and follow behind as back inside.

I still can not believe it been ten years since I married daemon and birth my son, aemon, and during the course of our lives many things have changed. I was no longer queen rhaelle now, but a princess and king's mother now that Aeron and Valaena sits on the throne that I had for fourteen years. After the war in the serpent islands, I was left cripple and distraughted, so much so that I had to step down as queen and come live with laena and daemon in the palace I brought them after the attempted threat on their and our children's lives.

Now, I have more scars on my body than daemon, my body isn't what it use to and my dark hair is now graying white like my bangs. I look more  valyrian now than i did in my youth. But, daemon to my chagrin still thinks I'm beautiful which is flattering of course but I hate when he says it when it involces comparing my sister, even worse when she's around, as if trying to make her feel bad by lifting me up. I had snided him more times than I do my youngest child about things, but daemon being daemon does not see the problem of comparing one wife to another. He's an idiot. My loving idiot husband but idiot nonetheless.

"Good morrow, my beauties." I limp out into the dinning hall where all my children were sat still in their nightie.

My children all turn away from one another to look at me, the food was no where to be found which mean I made it in time.

"Morrow, muña." They all said in unison, daemon looks up from our baby girl along with laena turning in her chair to look me as I come up to her.

"Morrow, sister." Laena said with a tired smile, I kiss her cheek before leaning down to pat her swelling belly.

"Morrow, little sister. How did you sleep." I ask pulling back from her and making my way towards daemon.

"Horrible. The babe wouldn't stop kicking me, only stopping when he sense his father near." I gave an eye roll at her words, I took my sweet baby girl from daemon holding her in one arm before planting multiple kisses around her chubby cheeks causing her to fuss and me laugh.

"Are you still think it's a boy, are you trying to jinx us with another him." I told my sister motioning to our husband before taking a seat after I kiss daemon on the lips, I had my baby girl in my lap and my other hand rest my cane between me and daemon as I took a seat next him at the head of the table.

"Another boy would be grand," Daemon smirk taking my hand that rest on the table, he threaded his fingers into mines and lift up to kiss my palm, I look at him with a look before rolling my eyes again.

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