Chapter- 021

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Rhaelle laid in bed with her arm cross over her chest with a deep frown as she lean against the headboardof her bed under mountain of blankets and sheets, she dislike being treated like some delicate porcelain doll for daemon and the servants to baby. They act like she took a arrow to the stomach on how they scatter around her asking her constantly if she was comfortable or if anything hurted, and when she mean they she meant daemon. He wouldn't stop look hovering over it was getting a bit irritating especially since this is his fault.

"How is this my fault." He says taking a seat at the edge of the bed next to her, rhaelle gave him a vexing look.

"Just know that it is." She look away from him and watch another servant put a pillow near her feet.

"You should be thanking me, if you stay out there any longer. You would have gotten frostbite and your little piggies would have been beheaded." Rhaelle roll her eyes, he acted like she walk miles through a blizzard.

"Your being dramatic." Daemon kissed his teeth at her nonchalant mood, the maester came into the chamber and he bow to the monarchs before standing straight as he stood at the end of the bed in front of them.

"Your Majesty, I have brought you a elixir for the pain. Make sure you do not drink too much or you will be bedridden for days." He speaks monotonous as he walks around to give daemon the small vial, daemon look at the whitish red liquid before giving you a look.

"What will it do to her?" He asked.

"Put her to sleep. Her feet will be giving her some discomfort throughout the night, so it is best to take it now rather than later." Rhaelle was pass the vial and she look at it for a minute with distrust.

"Thank you, maester. I will do just that." She gave a polite smile as the older man bow again before moving to shuffle out of her chamber, rhaelle drop her smile and toss the vial on the side of the bed crossing her arms again.

"I am not taking that." She said firmly.

"You must it will help with the pain-"

"It looks like pus with blood in it, I am not taking it." Daemon bite his lip to keep from smiling, he shook his and reach over for the vial.

"It will help with the pain."

"I would rather the pain than that monstrosity." Daemon opened the vial before he took a cautious sniff, he refine from gagging knowing if rhaelle saw him she will definitely not take it.

"You have a busy day morrow, you have an early council meeting along with a hearing with the lords of the isles and your first people's court. Do you truly wish to look like you were just risen from the grave? I think not." Rhaelle curse lowly merely forgetting about the people's court.

"I can not believe I almost forgot about that...hold on," she look over at daemon as he put the vial on the side table next to the bed, "How did you know about it?" She questions making daemon look at her.

"You mention it a few times."

"I did?" She doesn't remember that especially since she and daemon haven't really talk since the celebration all those months ago.

"Yes, you did. Multiple times at dinner for seven days straight, I thought I would have to call the maester a couple of times to sedate you on how stress you were as you mumble to yourself." He shook his head with a small frown, he wish he could have comforted you then but his head was still thinking about what gwayne said.

"Oh," Rhaelle look down at the covers a bit stun, "I didn't realize you were listening, I bet you thought I was a mad woman when you saw me mumbling to myself." She chuckle, daemon let a soft hum, he actually thought it was cute when she talk to herself. How she block everything out and reside in her own head, but it also made him worry for her, it made him think that she had nobody to talk to about her problems.

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