Chapter - 28

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Rhaelle and the rest of her family move along up the stairs to there spots in the box, she had thoros right arm and valaena had his left arm as they help him up the stairs. Valaena soon let go to take her place behind her mother and step-father, she sat between corwyn and aeron as baelor took a seat on the other side of the box with marra and their guards next to them.

Thoros was slowly lowered down by rhaelle before she took a seat next to him, she look over at the empty seat on her left making her wonder where daemon was. She hasn't seen him for a well, it feels like his hiding from her, but she knows that isn't true since he stills comes visits are during the night. But, he acts weird when they finish the act and talk to each other, he would avert his eyes whenever she brought up Xoro and Meleah acting weird around her or try to distract her with his lips when she bring up her nameday. She knows that daemon got something for her nameday, it was easy to get it out of meya when she notice that her daughter was acting weird too, but what she didn't know was what was this special surpise that daemon got her.

As if he knew rhaelle was talking about him, daemon talk from behind the wall and down the steps. She is brought out of her thoughts at the hush whispers and gasp that came from her daughter, rhaelle glance over to see daemon but her bright eyes turn to wide eyes at daemon new look.

"Your highness," Daemon bow his head at thoros who smile at him and doing the small slightly, daemon look over at rhaelle who gape at him like a fish put of water.

Daemon moves to down the path to his seat watching as rhaelle look at him shock, "My Queen." He purrs low for her ears only already sitting, he smirk at her as she tries to get words out.

"Your...Your hair? It's really short." She said surpise moving her hand to play with a loose of short hair, daemon felt his whole body shiver with rhaelle's fingertips brushing his hair behind his ear and trailing it down to his cheek making him lean into her hand.

"Do you like it?" He ask in a whisper moving his eyes to glance into rhaelle's eyes, he was a bit skeptical when meleah mentioned doing something about his hair, it took him a while to walk up the stairs to the box afraid that rhaelle wouldn't like or like it too much.

Rhaelle smile at him as she drop her hands from his cheek to his hand squeezing it in comfort, "...I love it," she smile making daemon smile a bit, "But, I like your long her more." She said again making the small smile grow at her words.

"Thank you, my belove." Rhaelle gave a single nod before turning her attention to the stage when she heard the curtains open revealing Xoro, the candle light chandelier was illuminating the stage and xoro.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Lords and Ladies from the East and West of the Serpent Isles. It gives me such pleasure to present to you all. A tale of love and tragedy a marvelous present to the queen from her significant other for her nameday." Xoro voice carried around the theater making the crowd clap as they turn their gaze to rhaelle, she stood smiling and waving at the people of her court before taking taking a seat.

"Without further of due I present my creation, 'The Tale of the Serpent Witch and the Dragon Prince', enjoy." Rhaelle clap along with the crowd as xoro bow with his arm held out before the curtains closed for a moment before reopening to reveal a brown skin woman with dark hair.

Daemon watch from the corner of his eyes as rhaelle sat forward to look below at the actress who was talking, he would look back and forth between the actors and rhaelle to read her face. Rhaelle giggle along with everyone when the serpent witch insulted the dragon prince, daemon smile hearing her laugh, ever time she does it was like music to his ears. Daemon look over the railing to the play below, he watches as the actors act out what he wanted xoro to put in the play. As the play goes on he glances at rhaelle from time to time to see her reaction at the scenes before her, he would laugh along with her and during one scene when the dragon prince brought the serpent witch a sheld necklace made of gold.

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