Chapter - 018

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Rhaelle and Daemon was soak when they finally got inside the castle, rhaelle took them through a secret door  that lead to her studies and chamber. They walk through her studies to the door on the wall just few inches away from the fireplace and walked into her chamber, their was linen towels awaiting them on her bed. She grab one and gave the other one to daemon, rhaelle dried her hair as she walk to her draw to pull out a nightgown the gown she had on now was a bit uncomfortable from the rain the dress was sticking to her skin.

She glance at daemon as he patted the linen against his long white hair taking him into consideration, she can still sense was mad or was he sad, she couldn't tell not truely but she could sense he was not himself.

"Daemon." She called causing him to look at her, the storm of emotions was still spiraling inside his purple orbs making the words she was about to say get stuck in her throat.

"Do you mind?" She turn away gested to her dress, she heard shuffle and then hands on her back. As he untie the strings of her gown, she felt his thumb caress her skin when he finish the gown sag making her hold it against her chest.

She said a quick thank you and walk away to her folding screen, she laid her nightie on the bench cushion that sat in front of the window. She let out a quiet sigh not knowing why she was sudden feeling this way, she shouldn't and he shouldn't either. They were barely lovers. Rhaelle moved from behind the screen to find Daemon gone, she frown as she looks around her room.

Did she truely hurt daemon's feelings by confessing the truth, she wondered, or did she wound his ego. Either way she should not be sad but rather happy his gone, maybe he will stop this charade and finally leave her be and everything can go back to the way it should.

The door to her chamber was opened making her turn to see daemon, he wasn't wearing what he was previously but a long white tunic and loose brown trouser.

"Where did you go?" She asked looking at him.

"Back to my chamber to get changed, a maid would be bringing you some tea soon enough." He said walks over to the fireplace, he put a log into the fire making it get warmer in the room, "Come.  You must be freezing." He beckon her towards him as he glance over at her before looking back to the fire and she didn't nove from her spot as she watch him.

"Are you mad at me." She asked, daemon was poking the fire with the fireplace poker, he turn to look at her with a confuse look.

"Why would I be mad at you?" He questioned placing the poker back in its original place, rhaelle shrug before folding her arms.

"I don't know, maybe because I loved otto before you." She look down to her bare feet, she heard daemon move before she saw his boots in her field of vision.

Daemon moved his hands to rest on her shoulders making her tilt her head up at him, he gave a small smile as he squeeze her shoulder.

"I am not angry, jealous maybe, " he chuckle making a small smile appear on rhaelle's lips, "But, I am not angry, I can never be angry at you, rhaelle." He said using his thumbs to rub at her collarbone.

Rhaelle move her hand to grasp at daemon's forearm, he slowly move his hands from her shoulder to her jaw. He tilt her head so she could look at him, daemon stare at her before leaning, rhaelle was about to turn her head when his lips went to her forehead. She stare at him in stun as he pulled his lips away before leaning his head against her, she swallow closing her eyes feeling his nose  bump into hers.

"Nobody deserves your love," he spoke in valyrian, "Not even me."

She opened her eyes to see him with his own closed, the thought of kissing his lips made her lean close. Daemon's eyes snap opened after feeling her lips brush against his, he looks at her to see regret written in her eyes making her step out of his touch and distance herself from him as he watch. 

"The night is growing late you should return to your chamber," Daemon frown as he look at her watching the fire dance in the fire pit.

"Is that what you wish?" He asked softly, she nod her head, "Then, i wish you a goodnight, my queen."

"Goodnight, prince daemon." Daemon walk to the door he looks at her one more time to see her staring at the fire with a look of distress, rhaelle heard the door click and then closed making her hands go to her face as she tries to hold in her sob.

Daemon stood outside her door he could hear shuffling before slowly backing away from the door, he sigh walking down the other end of the hall. His shoulder hit another with armour making him look up and see gwayne, the mormont knight look back at daemon with narrow eyes before looking down the hall to rhaelle's quarters.

"Do not worry. Me and the queen was just talking," Daemon says, gwayne look back at daemon with a glint in his eyes.

"Oh, I know." Daemon raised his brow at the knight, "Why would she ever be with you when all you do is remind her of king viserys."

Daemon stepped forward with a sneer, "You know nothing of what you speak of, boy." Gwayne held a small smirk as he look away from daemon.

"I know more than you, prince. You forget I too lived in the red keep for some time with her,"

"And yet, you never came to her rescue when she was being used by your father." Gwayne snapped his eyes back to daemon with scowl.

"I was just a child like she was, and I had a reason for being away. What is your excuse, hmmm?" Daemon and Gwayne glared at each other, but daemon knew as much as he hates it gwayne was right.

He had no excuse for leaving rhaelle with those beasts, and the thought that she and him could never be together is because of his brother made his blood boil and his heart clench.

"It would be best if you leave now and save yourself this embarrassment, rhaelle will never love you and deep down you know it too." Gwayne walked away leaving daemon alone in the corridor with his thoughts.

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