Chapter - 011

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I watch as Daemon and Caraxes circle Bloodstone as my grandfather and great-uncle argue, I roll my eyes at their bickering before turning to go up to the table. I learned my fists against the table as I look down at the map before us, I don't even know why I even try to look at it. It won't help us and it certainly won't help kill the crab guy, I look up to see caraxes flt over us making me stand straight.

I bowed my head as my uncle and great-uncle started bickering, "Shut up!" I snapped making them both go quiet and make everyone look at me.

"Bickering and complaining won't get us nowhere, so if anyone has any idea how we can kill this man and go home. I'm all ears." I looked between the young velaryon and the two older men, "But, if you going to bitch and moan then I advise you to throw yourself over that cliff, so we won't have to hear it." My eyes snap to vaemond who stares back at me with a scowl. 

"You forget yourself, nephew. Just because your mother no longer sits on the lap of the hand, but rather–"

"Finish that sentence and your sons will be carrying your mingle body back to that cow you call a wife," I closed my eyes at the sound of daemon's voice, I turn to see him glaring at vaemond while the second born velaryon stare at him with a clenched jaw.

"Happy you can finally join us, rogue prince. I was just about to go over another plan–" Daemon was next to me as I held a stick in my hand pointing at the map, he moved his hand to my shoulder cutting me.

"That can wait. Has the Seahorse come yet?" I shrugged his hand off as he looks to laenor, my uncle shook his head making Daemon flex his jaw, "Until it does I will be in my tent resting." I tried to hide my annoyance at his dismissal, it's been years and we still have yet to win and it's all because of him.

All he does is wait for the Seahorse, my mother's ship that drops off food and supplies. He has been using them to send letters to my mother for the past year and a half, and even though I keep telling him, she won't write back, he still does it like a lovesick fool.

"Aeron. Don't." Laenor warns next to me as I bend the stick I have in my hand, "His trying his best with what he has." I rolled my eyes behind my eyelids, so laenor wouldn't see, I still don't understand why he riding Daemon's dick so hard. The man hasn't had any successful wins since he claimed Dwarfstone.

"The hell with him. If he too tired to win his war, I'll do it myself." I said loud enough that he could hear me, I watch as he stopped in his track.

"Once I do, I will make myself, King of the Stepstones, and my house will have full control of the Narrow Sea. " I gave a smile as he turn around and looked at me, "Two dragons are enough to win this war, we do not need him." I turn my back on him and look at the map, it was quiet until a metal object hit me in the back of my head.

I hissed turning to look down at the empty tin cup before at daemon who stood with a wide smile of his own, I gritted my teeth as I snarl at him while my hand rubbed the back of my head.

"If the plan is so important, my boy. All you needed to do is just say that you don't have to make silly threats to get my attention." He stood next to me at the table, he looked down at the map making me to the side to stare at him with a look of dismay.

"What did I tell you about calling me, boy." The corners of Daemon's south lifted a bit still looking at the map.

"Apologies, cousin. Would you rather me call you 'Ironheart'." He gave me a look making me clench my jaw trying to hold my anger, I scoffed before muttering not that either before the other three velaryon men joined looking at the table.

The back of my head was still pulsing painfully, "....prince daemon." My eyes snapped over to a knight that belongs to house targaryen holding a scroll, I look at Daemon as he moves to the messenger.

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