Chapter - 23

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Daemon was standing up looking at rhaelle with a mixture of shock and confusion, what she just told him left him speechless and  he couldn't comprehend the words she spoke to him.

"Kill you? Why–Why would she want to kill you?" He asked.

"It's not hard to figure out, why, daemon."

"Humor me." He said, rhaelle look at him with a exasperating look before sighing and scatching her cheek.

"Aemma was sad. Her husband was spending more time with me and less with her and rhaenyra, so I presume she and Magatha talked one night–"

"Did aemma try to kill you?" He asked disgruntled, the feeling of anger pump through his heart at the thought of it, rhaelle's tap her cheek as she shook her head.

"No, I thought she told magatha to do it at first too but no," rhaelle sigh rubbing her temple, " The queen went into a deep sadness and Magatha blamed me, so she poisoned me and my childern as a result. Rather than I dying it was my sweet jaenara who did, and when I finally found out and confronted Magatha. She told me everything."

"What happened to her?" He asked.

"I killed her." She said simply in deep thought, "and I had otto help me get rid of the body, it took them many moons to find her mostly because her face was unrecognizable and bloated from the water. Honestly I think she was still alive when we threw her in." She finally looked at daemon, she stare into his eyes and saw mixture of emotions.

"After that everything changed, no one bothered me again not otto, not viserys, not even aemma. That was the year I changed for the better and saw my children as my sole priority." She shrug her left shoulder as  she looks out the window, the snow was falling slowly in the night.

The sudden heat crash into her as arms wrapped themselves around her chest, "You didn't deserve that." Daemon spoke quietly as if they were others around to hear the sweets words that was only for her ears.

"No one deserves that." She said back.

"I'm not talking about anyone else I'm talking about you, you didn't deserve to go through that rhaelle. I refuse to believe that what you dreamt will come true," She turn around in his arms and look at him straight in the eye.

"I dreamt of my son getting rip apart in front of my eyes by the lords of the seven kingdoms as they chanted 'heir'. I  called for viserys only for him to do nothing and watch from his seat on the iron throne as they kill my child."

"I felt the dust and broken stone from the ceiling hit my skin as my dragon bust through roof, and  set me and every man in the throne room on fire. I know you are trying to make me feel better but I am no fool I know nothing can save my son and nothing can save me–"

"I will. I'll save you and baelor, even if it means I'll have to die to do it." His hands were grasping her cheeks, so he could stare into her eyes when he said his next words, "And I will do everything in my power to protect you and your children, because...I love you." Rhaelle shook her head pushing away daemon's arms so he could stop.

"....daemon," she sigh in tired, daemon didn't move as he stood in front of her, holding her arms to stop her from leaving.

"I know. I know what your going to say, and I don't fucking care..." rhaelle stop trying to get out of his hold and look at him in surpise, "I came here in hopes to start back where we left off nine years ago. But, I realize I didn't want that you anymore but the you, you are now." He exhale deeply as he grabs her hands and rub his thumb over the back of her hand.

"I am married–" she started.

"But, that doesn't stop you from trying to fill the emptiness you have with those whores, does it?" He asked making her glance away from him, "What do you want me to do to show I am serious about being with you?...Hmmm?" He looks at her, moving his head to try to get her to look at him.

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