Chapter 59

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As dinner was finishing jaenara and alys quickly move from their chairs to follow baelon as he headed to the great chamber with maekar and baela, before they could follow them out the door, they were stop by rhaelle as she called after them. Both girls turn to rhaelle as she walk up to them with daena on her hips, daemon was standing next his wife with his arm around her waist.

"...sweet darlings, I notice you two did a lot of talking during dinner, can I assume you two are friend again." Rhaelle ask causing the girls to node with small smiles, "Brilliant. I'm so happy to hear that, we were just heading to read daena a story, why don't you both join us. Alys. You could do the voices you were always better them than me." The two girls glance at each other before they look back at rhaelle.

"Oh, we're pretty tired, mother." Rhaelle frown since it was still a bit early for bed, "Maybe, we can join you tomorrow, but I get to pick the book." Rhaelle and Daemon smile at her before rhaelle nod.

"Alright, lovelies. You both sleep well." Rhaelle bend to kiss alys's head before smiling at jaenara, as she pass them daemon kiss the side of his daughter's head before following after his wife.

Alys and Jaenara let out a sigh of relief before leaving the dinning hall, and heading to the great chamber to find baelon. As they walk around the corner, alys stop before pulling jaenara bsckmaming the young look at her cousin confuse. She turn to were alys was looking to see, baelon talking to rhaena who beam before hugging baelon.

Baelon grins as he hugs rhaena back, before they pull away, they heard baela call rhaena from down the hall making the young girl kiss baelon's cheek before hurrying down the hall. Baelon watch after her making Alys nudge jaenara motioning her to follow her, baelon lokk away from where rhaena left to look at alys and jaenara.

"Baelon, we need a favor." Alys says making Baelon huff with eyeroll.

"I don't do favor, pass it on to maekar." Baelon to leave when his sister move to block his way with jaenara next to her.

"No, he won't do it, nor will anyone else."

"All we need is a look out." Jaenara said making baelon glance at her.

"Look out?" Alys look at jaenara before telling her brother they were going to go to dragonmont to claim one of the wild dragons, baelon look at the two for a second before bursting out laugh.

Alys glare as jaenara frown at baelon's mocking laughter.

"You two think you can claim a dragon, please, no one has ever succeeded into claiming any one of the wild dragons in dragonmont." Alys's jaw square as she lifted her head.

"Well, that's going to change with or without your help." Alys looks to her friend, "Come on, jaenara let's go see what rhaena is doing, maybe she will be our look out." Baelon's smug turn to one of sour.

"Don't drag her into your stupidity, alyaena. I have half a mind to tell mother and father–"

"If you do then I'll tell them about the first time you went to dragonmont with jacerys." She threaten making baelon  scowl her, "Or I could help you." Alys smiles slyly, baelon look at her with a look.

"With?" He ask.

"I know you have little time to spare with training and lessons, so I propose, I'll take on some of your tasks for one moon so you can spend the rest with doing...whatever you do." Alys offered making baelon hum thinking about it.

"Make two moons and you have yourself a deal." Baelon grins making alys roll her eyes.

"One moon and my desserts for the rest of the week." Baelon hums again thinking, alys watch her brother in annoyance as jaenara watch anxious.

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