Chapter - 51

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Alys was still off trying to find Aemon to Rhaelle's dismay, she was almost finish talking to her brother in rhaenyra's chamber when the doors. Laenor and Rhaelle turn to see Ser Strong and her two nephews walking in, rhaelle smile at the three before she turn back to her brother.

Lucerys and Jacerys went over to their mother to see the baby, Harwin stood near the door watching his lover and her two sons gaze at the new addition to the targaryen dynasty. He look at Rhaelle who was still talking to laenor when he step forward to go over to look at the baby, rhaenyra notice him and gave him a smile before asking if he wanted to hold the babe. He look unsure as he glance at rhaelle again before back to his lover.

"I do not think that is a good idea." He says low making rhaenyra look at rhaelle before back at harwin.

"She would not mind." Rhaenyra says as she move the babe to pass over to harwin, the long hair knight carefully took the babe in his arms and held him before looking down at the baby.

Rhaelle look over at rhaenyra to see harwin holding Joffrey, she always thought harwin would make a better father than her brother, she knows harwin tries not to always be around the two velaryon boys. He tries so hard to stay away but always end up coming back to see rhaenyra and her children, she wish her brother could act more like that, be present and always around to tend to his sons.

"...I think it will be a good idea I have been stuck in this castle for years, and marrio sent me a message of what was happening in the stepstones and I thought–" Rhaelle look back at her brother with a look making him stop.

"You are not leaving your wife and children, laenor."

"I'll be back."

"When? In a month or two, no, you will stay here and do your duties–" Laenor's jaw slant at his sister demanding tone.

"I have been doing my duties for ten years now, I think I deserve a little time out of this four walled hell." He chided making rhaelle glare him.

"You have done nothing  but lounge and drink your fine wine and fuck off to gods nowhere with marrio, not only missing your firstborn birth but your secondborn and third as well." Rhaelle couldn't see it on her brother's face that her words fall on deaf ears as laenor stood their looking at his sister offended.

"I made it to the fourth, didn't I. I was outside the door waiting for it all to be done, can't that be enough."

"No." She hiss loudly at him.

The five other people in the room look over at the siblings, rhaelle took in a deep breathe and glance at the others who was watching before giving them a apologic smile. Rhaelle grab her brother's arm and limp away in the corner out of earshot.

"The answer is no, you are a grown man and you are still acting like a child." Laenor scowl his sister and cross his arms.

"Well, I don't care what you say. I'm going and you can't–" Rhaelle brought down the end of her cane hard against the floor in anger before grabbing her brother's jaw to look at her.

"You may think you can do what you want with the arrangement you have with rhaenyra, but your terms have limitations and what you are talking about is out of bounds." She let go of her brother jaw making him look at her with anger, "You have no idea how lucky you are to be bless with a wife like her, because you and I know no other woman would put up with your lifestyle." Laenor cast his eyes away from his older sister in anger.

"You have had you fun. For years you have had your fun. I tried not to be harsh in the beginning because this was all new to you, and I understood that but..." Laenor look back at his sister daunted, "I have grown tired of coming here and hearing my brother flew off somewhere with a man of my court, and having to go days looking for you to being you back just so you can do it again a year later. It's exhausting and you forget I have a family of my own I need to think about."

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