Chapter - 019

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Daemon was wondering down the halls in the north wing of Stonehold, he just finish training with baelor and his brothers and now he was trying to find something to do. He would usually be with baelor the whole day, but the boy has gotten to sneaking off with marra and his dragon lately. He was beginning to start to like spending time with his nephew and his little friend, they were the only ones who find his antics amusing. 

He wanted to go see what rhaelle was doing, but decided against it. He been doing that frequently now having mental battles with himself, after what gwayne said many nights ago it left a bitter taste in his mouth. It hurts him to think that all rhaelle see is viserys when she looks at him, he keeps telling himself that what she is feeling is fair but it does nothing to lessen the selfishness in his heart. He wants rhaelle. He want to be the man that rhaelle could proudly say is hers, he spent too much time separated from her and making up excuses for himself to get him to get over her.

The sound of a ruckus coming from up the hall made daemon stop, he look through the large glass windows to see a a conservatory making him walk away slowly.

"No,no,no, adrielle don't put that in your mouth." Valaena squeal as she stops the toddler from putting a black beatle in her mouth, she scoops the baby off the floor and wrestle the baby's fist opened for her to drop the bug making it scatter away.

Valaena looks up as a knock cams from the door and sees daemon standing in the threshold with a small smile as he gave a short wave at the princess, she smiles beckoning him in before turning around and going to pick up her flower pot luckily their wasn't any flower and dirt in it yet.

"Let me." Valaena stop as daemon brush by and collected the shattered pieces.

"Thank you," He gave a polite smile before placing the broken clay on the table next to other pots with plants.

Daemon wipe his hands on his trouser before putting his hands in his pockets, he looks at valaena as she gently scowls the little girl in her arms.

"Marrio's daughter, correct?" He asked making valaena look at him as he motions to the little babe.

"Adrielle, yes. He is in a meeting with mother, so I am watching her until they are done." Daemon hummed.

"Isn't that what maids are for." Valaena shrug.

"It is but she is a nice distraction when I have nothing else to do." She says moving through the row of plants with daemon following as they find seats in the back where the garden is right behind them.

"I am surpised you have any spare time, aren't you suppose to be out and about giving the poor food and kissing babies on heads." He says with a chuckle making valaena shake her with a smile.

"I would but mother has given me a week to myself before my tour around westeros." She said as she sits back in the rocking chair with adrielle laying her head on valaena's chest, daemon look at bit confused.

"Your looking for a husband?" She turn her head to him and nod.

"I am old enough now, and mother did said we need to start making alliance with people in westeros." Daemon furrowed his brows as his thought moved to Aeron.

"What about Aeron? Aren't you two–"

"On the same tour no, he will be traveling by himself next month." She said annoyed as she play with adrielle's dark hair.

"Oh." Daemon looks down with a small frown at his hands, he was confused not just not too long ago did he see his two cousins together smiling like lovesick fools.

"Where is Baelor and Marra? I expected them to be not far behind you." Valaena asked shifting the subject.

"On another adventure, I suppose. He and the wolf girl have been sneaking off somewhere to play." Valaena nod.

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