Chapter - 006

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King Viserys and his council were just finishing up their meeting when the double doors opened revealing princess rhaenys, she walk in with a cool look on her face as the man around her look her way.

"Princess Rhaenys. What a pleasant surpise." Viserys said with a hint of nervousness in his voice, he heard through vines that his younger cousin, rhaelle, ran away from home to essos leaving her childern in the hands of her parents.

"King Viserys, I hope I didn't get you in a bad time." He shook his head as the men started leaving expect the hand of the king who sat in his seat watching both King and princess.

"No, no. Of course not, dear cousin. What do you need." He said with smile, rhaenys stare at him for a moment wanting nothing more than to punch that smile off his face. But, she restrained herself and glance over to otto who was watching them.

"I was hoping to speak with you in private, cousin. It is very important." Before, Viserys could say a word, otto spoke up making rhaenys give him a annyoed look.

"I am sorry, princess. But, the king is very busy with wedding and other business, maybe another-" Otto was already by his King's side, when the Viserys interrupted.

"You can take care of it can you otto, it been a while since I spoke to my favorite cousin, I trust you fully to handle the wedding planning." Viserys said with a grin as he pat the man on his back, rhaenys looking over at Otto who wore a small smile but you can see that he was deeply annoyed by the king's words.

"Yes, of course, my king, princess." Rhaenys watch him bow before walking towards the double doors and out of the room.

"So, what is it that you had to tell me, dear cousin-" Rhaenys didn't think as she wind her hand back and slap her cousin across the face, making him snap his head to the side with a low hiss.

"You bastard. How could you do this to her." Viserys held his hand out to his loyal guard to stop him from restraining his cousin, he took a step back out of shock as he look in the fire pit of his cousin's eyes.

"Rhaenys-" he started.

"No, you don't get to take. I didn't come here to hear you talk, I came here so you can shut up and listen." Viserys stare at her with his mouth pursed.

"I trusted my daughter to you I ask you and aemma to look over after her, I ask you to treat her as if she was your own..." Rhaenys voiced weaved with emotions, "But, you both used her for your own sick gain to get a son."

Viserys stood in front of her with a grim look, he couldn't not deny it, he used his young cousin as a concubine to get a son. When Rhaelle first became pregnant with Otto's childern he was like a proud father, but when she birth triplets, two boys and one girl, viserys proud feeling grew to be envious at how he and his wife tried for so long have a son. It was the gods who blessed lord otto hightower, hand of the king with three beautiful childern, all healthy and strong, while the king and his queen couldn't even birth a girl or boy. He felt it wasn't fair, it want fair that he couldn't get him a heir, it wasn't fair that the woman he love couldn't give him what he wanted the most.

"Tell me, cousin." She said bitter, "Was it worth it? Was it worth destroying what respect I held for you or-" she couldn't finish her sentence as he stood there like a tree, rhaenys anger was making her go blind the more she look at him.

"By the gods, I held you in my arms when your mother died. Just like you did me when my own lord father passed, we grew up were like a brother to me...." Viserys look at her with sadness in his eyes as he came closer to her.

"And you like a sister to me-" Viserys says, moving his hand to her elbow only for her to step away from his touch.

"And yet you did this to me, to her, you destroy my daughter and for what? For a son you can't even claim." She shook her head as she put her hands togther in front of her face.

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