Chapter - 41

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I was thankful to find meleah on the east staircase, she look at me funny as I came up to her. She ask me some odd questions before bringing up last night, I told her lie that never happen and my emotionals was all over the place again when she ask why I was crying. She look slightly please but at the same time worry, we made our way to front entrance for the couch that would take to the dragonpit. I stop in front of the carriage door before turning to the entrance.

"Is there something wrong, my queen." Meleah ask making me look at her and shake my head.

"No, I just want to wait for daemon." Meleah look at the entrance and back at me with a bothered look.

"We should wait for him at the dragonpit," I shook my head.

"No, I rather wait for him here." I could tell that meleah wanted to argue but I gave a look that said "don't bother" making her frown and bow her head.

"Of course, m'lady. I'll take another couch to the dragonpit, so they can ready your dragons." I gave her a grateful smile thanking her.

As meleah got into the couch and took off, another came just a few minutes after she left. My hand was rubbing my belly behind the cloak that meleah took off and gave to me, as I stood out there I thought about our wedding. The thought of a grand wedding cross my mind but was quickly shut down, I want it simple and quick and traditional. I always wanted a valyrian wedding, but I wonder if my children would be mad if I ran off to dragonstone to marry daemon. I know the boys didn't care but valaena on the other hand...

"Rhaelle." I look up to see daemon standing there at the door, I gave a small smile.

"Hello, my love." He walk down the steps as I walk up to him.

"I thought you would be at the dragonpit by now, where is meleah?" He ask looking around.

"She offer to go ahead of us to have the keepers ready our dragons," he  glance around again looking a bit worry.

"How was your morning?" He ask making me frown and shrug my shoulders.

"Fine. How was yours. Eventful?" His eyes flicker with something.

"Besides a little talk with viserys, it was okay." He said with a edge in his voice, I hum, so it was true, I nod asking what about. 

"He was just telling me the good news, I am happy he made the right choice to allowing you to keep your title. He even said that your out of exile." I gave a small smile, the gulit I felt last night seep into my heart.

"I can't believe it, it feels unreal." I mutter as I rub my arm through the cloak.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He ask, he hands went to cup my jaw, I flick my eyes up to look into his own.

The way he looked at me is the same way that meleah did, I wonder what was going on with those two, it is obvious that they are hiding something from me. Maybe they knew something happen between me and viserys, would that explain why daemon was with rhaenyra, because he knew I kiss his brother. Impossible. I'm just prattling.

"Nothing, it just..." I look up to the Red Keep, "...this place it makes me all weird...I don't know it doesn't matter, let's just go." I pull out of his touch, and turn to open the door and climb in.

I took a sit on the bench on the opposite wall, daemon climb in and close the door behind him taking a seat across from me. Daemon hit the carriage with his fist and making  the carriage move, I don't know why but the air felt tense, I look over at daemon as he look out watching the people walk by.

I don't understand why it feels like something is being unsaid, looking at daemon, I know I can't tell him what happen, I do not wish for him to feel ashame or gulit himself for his brother's actions.

𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝗼𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now