Chapter - 24

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It was gloomy outside today, the sun hid behind the clouds this morning as the snow fall rapidly and the wind blew moderate but that could change in the evening. It looks like it could be a snow squall which means she should announce an incoming storm, and get the septas and septons to prepare the sept for the people.

Rhaelle was wide awake staring through her curtains of her window, when she was pulled from her deep thoughts by the man half laying on her. Daemon was sound asleep with his left arm resting on rhaelle's stomach as his left leg was press against her own, and his head was on her shoulder snoring softly, a curve of the corner of her mouth lifted as she lies there by him.

Rhaelle let out a soft exhale thinking about last night or was it a couple hours ago, she couldn't remember not when different parts of her body still ache from daemon's feverish attacks. Daemon certainly was right in the end, he might have "won" her heart but she got the prize and that prize was the best prize she has ever been given in a long time. Even though, she's not old like daemon or young like her cousin, she usually wouldn't allow it to continue on like that due to her early mornings and typical tiredness after her pleasure session with the servants but daemon was persistent in making their love making last longer.


The bed creaks under the queen movement as she rides daemon, the sweet moans that left the prince's lips causes rhaelle to move fast on top of him. The prince watch his belove in awe as his hand massage her bundle of nerves in slow circular motions. Rhaelle's hand was on daemon's chest as she moves up and down on his cock, she was getting close but her peak seem so far with the way daemon was touching her.

She begs daemon to move faster causing daemon to chortle and sit up, he pulled rhaelle into a deep kiss before he moved to lay her on her back. He planted kisses down down her cleavage as he use the headboard for support, rhaelle wrapped her legs around daemon's waist as he finally thrust inside her. The bed hit the wall just as his skin slaps against her thighs, daemon let a grunt as he stills as he comes inside her with his head press against hers so he can see the look on her face as she goes through another orgasm.  He move his lips to kiss her lips and her cheek and chin before resting his face in her cleavage, rhaelle laid there in absolute bliss as she plays with daemon's hair as she smile dumbly at the ceiling.

The tiredness felt like a heavy blanket on her, she close her eyes with a soft sigh only the sounds of the fireplace crackling and the even breathing of daemon made her slowly drift off to sleep.

Daemon was still wide awake and he did not wish for this to be over, so when he heard the soft snore of his belove under him and moves his head to glance up at her. Her eyes were close but he knew so wasn't fully sleep, he move to place a kiss on her stomach before another one along her belly button and another as it trails to her cunt. The prince smiled at the sound of his belove low moan, he felt fingers tangle in his head as he kiss her thigh and her lips.

"Dae, it is getting late, i need sleep." Rhaelle groan out as she reopen her eyes to turn her head to look at daemon cozily between her legs.

"Just one more and then we are finish, my belove." He whispered before moving his tongue lick at her folds causing her whimper.

"But, I am tired." She whine, not sure it was from the exhaustion or the pleasure, but daemon didn't care he just wanted to hear her sweet sounds again.

"Just one more, my belove, just one more." He purr before indulging himself  to her cunt making the young queen bite her bottom and moan, daemon move his head slightly like rhaelle likes making her back arch off the bed as he use his tongue to fuck her until she forgot about wanting to sleep.


Rhaelle was pulled from the pleasant memory by her chamber door opening, she looks over and saw meya and alora coming through the door. The two sisters were quiet coming in knowing daemon was there keeping the queen's company until her feet healed, they look to the armchair that the prince was last seen in making them glance over to the queen's bed chalking it up to him leaving in the night.

Boy were they wrong.

Alora and Meya gawk at the bed where the queen laid with daemon in her arms, rhaelle move her finger to her lips telling them to be quiet before point to her wardrobe. When they shock expression turn to one of pure happiness, rhaelle rolled her eyes as they stood there with stupid smiles one their faces. She snap her fingers making her give them a sharpe look before she pointed to her wardrobe again for them to find her something to wear, alora and meya move slowly as they stare at the two bumping into each other as they try to take a glimpse of daemon.

Before rhaelle could throw something at them, she stills as daemon shifted on the bed but not too much. He just moves up a bit so he could rest his face in rhaelle's neck, making it hard for her to get out of bed and dress for her meetings without waking him. She heard a low giggle making her shoot a glare at the pair, alora had her hand over mouth as meya averted her eyes finally opening the wardrobe to find a dress. Rhaelle turn her eyes to where alora was looking to find half of daemon's butt was out making her use the blanket that daemon covered them with before bed and took it off her legs to hide daemon, she look back at alora who had a faint smile as she look at you before turning to her sister.

Meya handed her sister a black flowy gown with dirty gold patterns along the waist and black and gold flats to match with them, as meya felt the shoes and alora held the dress, they watch as rhaelle try to get out of the bed without being detected.

Daemon's hand squeezed rhaelle's waist keeping her from leaving, she sigh before moving to lean down close to him to whisper.

"I have to get ready," he made a sound of displeasure as he press his face deeper into her neck making her sigh, "Please, Dae, I promise I'll be back," she said low, she kiss his forehead multiple times before she pleaded again.

Daemon grunt loosen his grip from her waist causing her to thank the gods, she slide from under him and use her gown to cover her body as she walk over to the sisters. They move quickly and quietly as they nove around rhaelle to dress her,  the young queen would glance over to her bed to see daemon's face was in her pillow and on her side of the bed still asleep. When the girls wetr finish rhaelle step from between them and walk to her bed, she kneel down just a bit staring at him for a minute before pressing a kiss to daemon cheek making him stir and crack an eye open to look at her.

"Don't get up just yet, I won't be gone for too long, go back to sleep." She said moving his hair our his face, daemon hum softly listening and going back to sleep.

The ends of rhaelle's mouth curve into a smile, she peck his face one past time before getting up and getting followed out her chamber.

"He will be up soon, have the maid bring him breakfast in bed. Do we still have those oranges in the kitchen?" She asked as the two sisters follow behind her.

"Yes, ma'am." Rhaelle nod.

"Good. Ask the kitchen to squeeze some and bring me a cup for the meeting." She already turn looking at the sisters, when neither of them move, she cross her arms with a annoyed look.


"Was he good?" Alora asked with sly smile.

"That is none if your business." She turn back around and kept walking.

"In other words, he was fucking great." Alora grin as she stood by the queen's side like meya and try to keep up with her pace.

"I don't kiss and tell like you, alora." Meya giggle at her sister offended face as they turn down a corner. 

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