Chapter - 38

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Rhaelle laid in bed in silence as she waited, daemon left hours ago to his meeting with his brother. After he left, rhaelle tried to stay up for him but with the day she had it was hard for her to fight sleep, when she did awake the sun was replaced by the moon and the stars. It was hard to tell if it was early at night or late at the night, the thought going to see meleah played on her mind for a minute before it was thrown away when her stomach knotted together to cause her discomfort.

She scowl her belly, she never had to deal with this when she was pregnant with baelor or the triplets. She didn't have to worry about swollen feet and out of control emotions, the only thing that was normal was her aching breast and her sexual stimulation.

She hum at the thought remembering the way daemon's rub himself against her or how his tongue slide back and forth on her cunt. Rhaelle moan sadly as she was getting herself worked up by the mere thought of daemon, she turn on her side and bury her face in her pillow squeezing her thighs together causing a fli ker of spark between her legs. The sensation made her heart jump as she does it again, rhaelle's hand slide her hand from on top of the cover to under the cover.

Her hand pass her breast that was  perky and aching to be fondle and grope, a thought came to her as she rest her hand on her chest. It been awhile since she last pleasure herself, she can't even remember the last time she done it, but she do know it was when she was still living in the Red Keep.

Rhaelle bite her lip moving to lay on her back, she put her left hand behind her head before moving her right to grope her breast. She squeeze her thighs as she use her fingers to play with her nipple, she close her eyes imagining daemon there touching her. As her she play with her stiff nipple, she rub her thighs together creating that spark between her legs again. When she felt herself getting wet, she move her hand from her breast down her stomach and lift her skirt to feel how soak she was between her legs. She moan biting her lip as she rub her fingers along her folds gathering her arousal on her fingerd, she move her two fingers to rub at her bud making her arch her back a bit off the bed.

She imagine daemon's tongue swirling around her bud as she speeds up, she traps her hand between her thighs as she continues the circular motion. Her fingers still moves as her body tense and  quake with the overwhelming euphoric pleasure that course through her body, she flump back in bed twitching as she lay limp in bed. She move her hand from under her gown and rest it on top of the covers, the bliss of what she did lasted a few minutes as she laid in the aftermath of it. The feeling of wanting to be full still arch in her core as she squeeze around nothing, how much longer is daemon gonna be, she ask herself moving to sit up against the headboard.

Rhaelle perk when she heard a knock at the door, she pull the covers off of her and slip into her shoes to protect from the cold floors. She scurry to the door at the thought of it being daemon, not even thinking about why would he be knocking on the door, before that thought could even marinate she opens the door with a wide smile only for it to drop at the intruder at her door.

"Oh, it's just you." Viserys tilt his head to the side with small side.

"May I come in?" He ask, she look at him dully and shrug.

"It's your castle." She mutters turning on her heels and going over to the fireplace,  she put a log in there before poking it with the poker to get it to touch the fire.

When she put the firepoker to the side, she turn back to viserys to see him looking around the room in thought, before glancing at the bed for a moment. She scrunch her face up in discomfort knowing he what he was thinking as he stare it. She clears her throat catching his attention as she fold her arms over her chest and walk from the fireplace and behind the couch to stand in front of him.

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