Chapter - 46

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Marrio and I was in the crowd of dancers, hid hand was in my waist and while the other one was holding my own hand.

"I hope you have a good reason for pulling me away from daemon,"

"I do." We step aside as two other dancers move by us, "...I just wanted to ask if you know...if laenor was seeing anyone by any chance." He said curious, I narrow my eyes at him.

"Besides the princess?" He nod his head, "...yes, his lover for three years, did you pull me away from my betrothal just to ask me that." I glare, he didn't even look gulity as he shrug his shoulders.

"I needed to know, I was just talking to him and he was openly flirting with me, I needed to be sure before i make my move." He grins making me shake my head at him, it been awhile since marrio and I talk, but when we did it was always something about his devious adventures with men and women.

"It never stop you before."

"I know but after that incident with Xoro, I have to start making sure." I chuckle at the memory, xoro's lover was one of my talented knights and when he caught xoro and marrio in bed together. Marrio had to spend his days lock in his chamber with guards in fear of that the man would kill him.

"I keep telling you-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," he said dismissal, as he swirl me, I saw daemon walk through crowd us.

"Good. Now, that we're finish here can I go back to my belove." Marrio look over my shoulder and hum.

"Yes, I can only imagine what he could do to me if I keep you much longer, have fun." He smirk before letting go of me to he can take another girl and dance as dancer start switching partners, before I could reach for daemon I was pull away from him by another making us frown at the other.

I turn to look at my brother who wore a gulity, "I'm sorry..." He said making me give him a confuse look, I turn back to look at daemon only to find him talking to rhaenyra, "...She told me she just needed a moment with him." I look back to my brother with a look.

"You got to be jesting." I tried pulling away but my brother held my hand and waist tight, "...Laenor, let me go." I hiss as I turn my head to find daemon in the sea of people, as I am move further and further away from him making it hard to see him.

After trying to tug my hand free, the heel of my boot landed on laenor's toe making wince and let me go, i turn to walk away to find daemon, but with all these bodies it was hard to look for him. I heard my name being call from behind me by laenor, I ignore him as shove my way through the people looking. I was push back by the people as they back up and form a circle and move in a rotation, I sigh trying to find a way around or atleast back to the table.

I felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn around hopeful to see daemon, my assurance died when I came face to face with my little brother. I turn away from him trying for a escape but his hand move to grasp your arm, I turn to him in a glare.

"Let me go." I hiss tugging on my arm.

"Rhaelle, please just give them a few minutes to talk-"

"Why the seven hells would I do that?" I snap.

"Because they need to talk-"

"You saying thus as if i am suppose to care, and let me tell you i don't so let me go or so help me..." My eyes caught two white hair targaryens making me trail off, I push my brother's hand off my arm as I side step him to see daemon cupping rhaenyra's face as he look down at her.

I watch as rhaenyra cling to daemon and how he stare down at her as he spoke softly to her, my lips roll into a purse line as I stare at them, my eyes sting but not from sadness but from anger. I trust him and turn around and does this. Fool. Stupid foolish girl. I blink turning away when I caught daemon's eye, choking back my sadness, my shoulder bump into laenor as I made my escape, I swipe a tear away. I didn't care as I push and shove through the sea of people, I just wanted to go home. I wanted to be anywhere but here. This damn castle it always ruins the most purest of things, I hide my head as I move towards the wall away from prying eyes.

𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝗼𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now