Chapter - 012

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You rubbed your temple as you sat in your usual council meeting listening to the men around you talk, for once the headache you are serving isn't about your new home. But, of a white-haired man who just won't leave you alone or leave in general, the men from your council are now complaining to you about daemon's latest escapade.

"That man is a menace, you must do something about him, my queen. He is disrupting the peace not only in the castle but in the city too." You sigh exasperated, all you wanted was to celebrate the return of your two sons, and you can't do that when daemon's around causing trouble.

"What do you want me to do? You want me to tell him to go home, I tried he won't. You want me to lock him up somewhere, we can't do that then it will look like we are holding the prince, hostage. So, tell me what you think I should do," Banneth chewed on the inside of his cheek looking at her before looking at the other men in the room.

"He listens to you and only you, he wants your attention so I'm just suggesting..." You raised your brow at him waiting for him to speak, you soon grow tired of him stalling before hissing.

"Spit it out." He gives you a look.

"...maybe you could entertain him, maybe if he sees that your no longer ignoring him maybe he starts behaving better, or like you say he gets bored go away." Banneth looks at you with a nervous look, you sigh with a look of annoyance.

You know his right the only reason daemon is here is for your attention. But, you don't want to entertain him and make him think that he can get back into your good graces, you were serious when you told valaena that what you and Daemon had is in the past and will stay there. You don't trust daemon. You feel he is here for another reason, but you have yet to figure out what it is. Your thoughts were interrupted by Janas walking in with his blue cloak flying in behind him, he held his bronze helmet under his arm as he bow his head at you.

"My Queen there is an urgent matter in the throne room," he said making you furrow your brows as you stood up.

"What sort of matter." Janas looks at banneth before glancing at you, you notice his hesitation making you look at banneth.

"I will deal with daemon on my own time, for now just ignore him he will get bored eventually. This meeting is closed." Banneth wore an unsatisfied expression as he and the others gathered up their things and started to leave.

You follow suit with Janas by your side companying you to the throne room, as you walk you think back on daemon. You truly hope daemon is smart enough to take a hint that you are not interested in him anymore, ever since he decided to stay in Magonsæte for the time being it feels like a noose has been tied around your neck and you waiting for the crate under your feet to be kicked from under you. You sigh mentally, you truly wish you had the power to read people's minds, it will save you the heartbreak in the long run.

You make it to the double doors only two guards stood there guarding it, one opens the door for you as you and Janas walk in to find Daemon with a goblet in his hand sitting lazily on your throne with his legs spread apart. You turn your eyes to Janas who glares at Daemon before looking back at Daemon with an exasperated look, you walk further inside catching Daemon's attention as he rolls his eyes from the side to look at you before grinning.

"Issa jorrāelagon, nyke missed ao. Skorkydoso istan aōha meeting?" He said sitting up straight. [My love, I miss you. How was your meeting?]

You stare at him unfazed and stood in the middle of the throne room with your hands clasped in front of you.

"Daemon, we need to talk." You said causing the older man to raise his brow.

"Skoros bē, issa jorrāelagon?" He asked with a tilt of his head. [What about, my love?]

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