Chapter 56

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Rhaelle couldn't believe him going behind her back and telling her mother the truth, she was supposed to do that not him. That man. The nerve. The same morning daemon left was the same morning rhaenys told her what daemon said to her, she came down early than usual and before the children. So, they had a little time to talk and get everything out, rhaelle was dumbfounded when her mother didn't blame her, and when asked why she didn't her mother explain that it wasn't rhaelle fault that her husband kept her in the dark for a week.

Rhaelle refrained from growling knowing daemon lied to her mother, even though it was because it was for rhaelle. It wasn't the full truth and rhaelle didn't like that but she could only imagine how her mother would feel if she knew that it had been more than a week that she knew. So, she kept that little detail for herself, she will tell her mother eventually, when rhaenys and rhaelle finish what they had to say to one another they sat quietly in the dining hall.

" should leave." Rhaelle looks up wide eye from her plate and back at her mother.

"What." She ask quietly in scared.

"I think you and the children should dragonstone to be with daemon." Rhaelle couldn't believe her ears, she didn't want to leave her mother and she certainly didn't want to see daemon right now.

"Mother, don't be absurd, I'm not leaving you." Rhaenys look at her daughter with a look before moving her hand to grasp her daughter's.

"My dear child, you have stayed by my side for many days comforting me. Now, I know the truth and I am at peace with it, you must return to your husband." Rhaelle look shocked at her mother, her mother wanted her to return to daemon, the same daemon that she despise and hated.

"Mother–" Rhaelle started.

"I will be fine and I can not lie I have been missing your father as of late," Rhaenys says honestly, she misses having someone lay next to her in bed and staying up to talk over tea.

Rhaelle look down with a sour look, she wish her mother didn't miss Corlys, she was better off without him if she was being honest.

"I don't know why he is the reason for all of this." Rhaelle said under her breath making rhaenys give her daughter a sad look.

"I wish you two could make up, it's been years–" rhaelle took her hand from her mother and put it in her lap.

"We will never make up." Rhaenys sigh pulling her hand away to settle next to her plate.

"As much as I am grateful to you for staying by my side. It is time for us to return to our better half, my child" Rhaelle looks at her mother for a moment before sighing.

"If that's what you want Mother then okay, but if this going to be our last day together. We should make it count." Rhaenys smile at her daughter before getting up making rhaelle follow suit before they hug one another.

"Thank you, my child." Rhaenys kiss rhaelle's cheek before squeezing her tight in her embrace as rhaelle rubs her mother's back, they part away when the doors to the hall open revealing the children all dressed and ready for the day, rhaelle smile at her children greeting them as they do the same to their mother and grandmother before taking a seat at the table.

Rhaelle look at her mother who was smiling at Gaela as the young girl told them about a dream she had, the thought of convincing her mother to stay here with them played on her mind until it disappear knowing there was no way she could keep her mother away from her beloved.

Rhaelle rub her eyes as she limp down the hall, after spending the day at the beach and flying, they ended the special day with a full-course meal of everyone's favorite meals. The day was finally over and rhaelle's mother announce she was going to leave in the morning back to High-Tide, the children did not like the idea of having to leave Driftmark and their grandmother to leave for dragonstone in the morning as well neither did rhaelle but she knew daemon would just come to get them and drag them back to dragonstone.

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