Chapter - 010

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My eyes moved boredly between my hand and the master of law as they talk about the stonewall problem back home, I shouldn't even be thinking about this shit right now. I finally don't have a war up my ass and here are these two ruining my trip talking about time delays and restructuring on the wall surrounding the serpent islands, the stonewall was like the Titan in Braavos but without the Titan. The stonewall was what kept men from Westeros from continuing beyond the mountain of the wall, no one knows how long it has been there or who created it but what they do know is it is hard as shit to knock down and it helps a lot during the war.

"Can you both take a breathe, please? Their no need to talk about this now, we're on vacation, so enjoy yourself. Drink. Gamble. Get your cocks wet..." My eyes go over to Banneth making the middle age white man go pink, "I didn't bring two big ass tents for you to just stand and talk about things that are being handled already back home, so please enjoy yourself. Have some fun." My hand hit both their arms before I walked over to the table of food and took some cut-up strawberries to my comfy little blanket pallet that I had the servants make up before I could go and relax and get in some reading, marrio, and valaena walked in.

I look at her and notice something wasn't right, even though she had a smile on her face as she look at baby adrielle, it didn't reach her eyes like it usually does. There was something off about her. I smiled when she caught me staring at her, and she came over with the sweet smile that I haven't seen in a well, note to self when I get back home valaena and I require some mother/daughter bonding.

"Hello, my little water nymph. How did the queen like the blanket." I asked before scrunching up my face so my nose would move as I made sounds making the baby giggle.

"It was a shawl and she liked it very much, even though it was hard to get a proper answer from her since I was bombarded with questions about the stepstones situation." I turn to her with a look of pity knowing that it was hard for her to talk...for anyone for that matter, even though I sent ships with supplies and men to help out. We have yet to hear about the war ending.

"Those old hags can never learn to keep their mouth shut, I swear...but don't let what they say get to you. They are just jealous." I grin when she giggled and shook her head, I move some of the white out of her face before resting my hand on her cheek. As I look at her I grow a little sad, she looks exactly like me when I was her age, and the thought of her getting married makes me want to hide her away from the world.

She looks at me with a puzzled look and asked me what I was thinking about, "Oh, nothing, just trying to figure out, how tall I should make your tower when men start asking for your hand." Valaena rolled her eyes with a smile before slapping my arm, I removed my hand from her face and smiled.

"You sound like thoros." She said making me smirk.

" That should tell you all you need to know, his fatherly intuition is never wrong and neither are mine." I look at the toddler and moved to feed adrielle a small slice of strawberries.

"Unrelated topic of fathers, otto wanted me to tell you the king wishes an audience." I let out a groan not wanting to talk or even see anyone, I spent three years in exile spending my time fighting a war and tending boring meetings. All I want is to be left alone with my family and relax. Is that too much to ask?

"I can never get a minute for myself, " I said under my breath walking away after I kissed my daughter's head. I looked over at Vogero and Banneth and motioned to them to follow me, I walked out of the tent first before being followed by my guards and my advisors.

As we walk I could sense people staring, I snap my eyes around the camp making some of the men look away and go back to work. I shook my head continuing with my business, I finally make it inside the king's tent and looked around. The people inside stopped and got out of the way as I and my men walkthrough, we find viserys in his chair with *surprise* *surprise* otto whispering in his ear.

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