Chapter - 007

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A man ran through the halls of the quiet castle with a letter tightly gripped in his hand as he dodged servants as they did their day-to-day chores. The man was nearly out of breath when he made it to the council chamber. The young man caught his breath as he knocked on the door twice. After a moment, the double doors were opened, causing the chatting in the room to stop. 

"Your highness..." The young man bowed as the council stared at him blankly waiting for him, "A raven came for you from Driftmark." He was beckoned forward by the royal, making the young man walk over, he handed the scroll over before backing up. The council stared at the monarch, who scanned the letter with worried and angry eyes. All of the men at the table watched their ruler let out a grumble as they crumbled the paper in their hands before tossing it onto the table. 

"Bad news, your highness." The hand asked, reaching for the paper and unballing it, and reading the note that the queen's mother sent her. 

Rhaelle glanced over at Lord Stefon as she chewed her bottom lip out of anxiousness, she shook her head slightly, looking away. 

"It seems my daughter has arranged herself to be married to a lord Baratheon at storm's end." She shook her head at this foolery, the only reason she came here was to marry so her daughter wouldn't have to, now she founds out that she left the solitude of her home to betroth herself off to the worst possible suitor. 

"Is it such a terrible idea, m'lady? If your daughter marries a lord Baratheon, these two unions would mean we would have him as an ally, no?" Maester Briden says, looking at her. She dug her nail into the wooden table scratching lines. 

"Yes, but the fact of the matter is that he is a greedy and untruthful man and the last thing I want is a man like that anywhere near my court." And my daughter, she thought. The men around the table mumble in agreement, the last thing they need is another problem on their hands when they still haven't dealt with the recent one. 

"I agree with the queen. There are more suitable men out there for princess valaena to marry and produce heirs." Said Lord Stefon, looking over to Rhaelle, "Will you be traveling dragon back to Storm's End to receive the princess, m'lady." Rhaelle nodded as she stood up making the men follow, she glanced over at the master of coin before ending the meeting. The lords moved to talk to one another as she motioned for the lord to follow her to the side. He walked over to her as she looked outside the large window at her thriving kingdom. 

"M'lady." Rhaelle turned her head a bit to look at Lord Maerrio Rogare of House Rogare. He stood a few inches tall over her as she looked up at him. She watched as he moved his dark curly hair from his face while gazing down at her with his dark brown eyes. 

"I need a favor to ask." He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning his shoulder against the wall. 

"Ask and you shall receive, my queen." He said with a grin on his face making Rhaelle smile. It wasn't long before rhaelle took a liking to Marrio. He is a sweet and outspoken man with a daughter. He was also one of the many men in the kingdom willing to bend his knee to her. The moment she got there, she didn't trust him or anyone for that matter and neither did he when they met, but over time he grew to know her and took a liking to her and vice versa. 

Marrio noticed her lack of confidence after he agreed to her request, "What is the matter, my lady? Do you not think this will work? " He asked, making her look up at him. 

"No, I'm worried about my daughter. I and she haven't had the best relationship you see," She sighed, moving her hair out of her face and behind her ear, "I fear it will be hard to convince her what she is doing isn't a good idea." Marrio looked at the young queen with a sincere look before putting his hand on her shoulder. 

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