Chapter - 47

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I look up and down the empty corridor before walking down the right corridor, it me a minute to find the alcove that had a wide width where a tall narrow window was against the wall while two long bench across from each other. I walk inside and look out the window, it was night and the moon was full and bright in the sky.

"There you are." I let out a low growl at the sound of daemon voice, can he not just go away.

"Leave me alone." I said still looking out the window.

"Not until you hear my side-"

"I don't need to hear shit from you, now leave me alone." I hiss with my head halfway facing him before looking back out, I shrug his hands away from my arms before fixing him with a glare, "Are you hard of hearing I said. Leave. Me. Alone."

"Why are you acting like this. Why won't you listen-"

"Because I'm tired of listening, daemon. How many times are you going to embarrass me in front of all these people." Daemon stare at me stunn.

"I wasn't trying to embarrass you-"

"Oh, really? What do you call what you just did out there." I pointed before dropping my hand to my side, "It's one thing to have to hear the rumors, those are easy to deal with because nobody knows the truth, but now they know and it's because of you."

"My love, i was just trying to keep her calm so she wouldn't cause a scene." I roll my eyes.

"So fucking what, its her wedding let the little brat throw a tantrum, that doesn't give you the right to hold her like you did or gaze at her as if she was the only fucking person in room." Each word that came out of my mouth grew louder and louder, I was agitated and I was tired, and because of one man.

Daemon pursed his lips in a thin line, I stare back at him trying to figure out to do next. He promise you there will never be another, he said all these things and yet he does this not only in front of lords and ladies of the seven kingdom, bit your family as well.

"I am sorry, rhaelle." I look back at him angry.

"I don't want your fucking apologize, after everything you said to me before we got here, I truely believe your words-"

"And I meant every word of it-" I scowled him.

"Yet, you pull this shit. Here with our families just a few feet away from us, proving to my .other that she was right, you are either really stupid or you just really get off on hurting me and causing chaos."

"You know thats not true." I scoff before moving to lean my back against the cool glass and sit on the window sill.

"At first, I didn't care what you did with rhaenyra in fleabotton because deep down I thought I deserve it for kissing you brother, but now I see that you are playing some sick game with me."


"No, I am done listening to you speak and tell me sweet nothings to get back in my good graces, I am done." I heave out a sigh before putting my hands in my face, nothing he says can make what just happen go away, I slide my hands down my face and look at him as he stand with a apprehensive look.

"You have two choices, daemon." He stares with his lips frown and his brows pinch together, "You could leave and be a free man to do as you wish, or you could marry me, but i warn you this marriage will not be built on love but duty, your only obligation to me is keeping my bed warm and doing your duties as king and father."

"You don't mean that." I gave him a look.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me if I don't mean it." His eyes flicker between my own making him his jaw clench.

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