Chapter - 54

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It was the hour of the nightingale when rhaelle felt something brush against her face, she wrinkle her nose when she felt it again, her eyes were still shut when she move her hand to brush against her face thinking it was a some if her hair in her face before going back to sleep. When she felt a soft brush against her cheek and a cooing noise, she finally cracked open a eye to see daena there standing looking at her mother with a curious look makinv rhaelle furrow her bows.

"How did you get in here." She said soft, daena respond with a gurgle sound causing rhaelle to smile before slowly move to sit up off the couch.

Her knee knock into something making her look to see daemon leaning aaginst the couch watching daena and rhaelle as the baby made grabbing hands at her mother, rhaelle look away from her husband to her baby girl and sat criss cross on the cushion before pulling her daughter into her lap.

"Got bored of her already I see." Rhaelle yawn as her daughter play with her necklace.

"I just needed someone to empty out my frustration into, and rhaenyra was happy to be the one to do it." Rhaelle look over at daemon as he move to sit on the couch next to her, she down at her daughter as she plays with her hair.

"Hmmm. I guess it's better than some whore in a brothel." She commented as daemon stretch his arms up before putting them behind his head, "So, where does this leave us now." Daemon look at his wife.

"Where it always lives us, me staying with you and the children while rhaenyra goes back to dragonstone with her husband and children." Rhaelle look at daemon with a raise brow.

"After all the longing glances you two been giving each other for two years, I thought you wanted to be with her." Daemon gave a eyeroll at his wife's words.

"I wanted to feel like my old self again and I did, now it's out of my system and rhaenyra is still boring at fucking than she was when we first did it. She's not the one I want, you know that." Rhaelle shook her head at her deranged husband.

"Your evil." Daemon smirk moving his hand to brush his finger along rhaelle's expose shoulder and neck.

"But, yet you love me." Rhaelle roll her eyes, she look over at the window it was going to be morning soon.

"It's going to be a hysteric morning, I can already feel the headache coming on and the speech aeron is going to give me." Rhaelle move her two fingers to rub her temple, "I can't believe they all fought last night, what the hell was baelon and maekar thinking saying that to rhaenyra's boys." She drop her hand out of exasperation.

"I think they may have saw me and rhaenyra on the beach, it explain their behavior the previous night." Rhaelle sigh thinking back to last night, they way baelon stare at rhaenyra and how unremorseful maekar was when he admitted calling rhaenyra a whore.

"Great. Just great." She whispered.

"I can talk to them," rhaelle glance at daemon with a look.

"Daemon, I say this with love but if you talk to them you will make it worse, I think it is best you just let me deal with them." Daemon sigh sadly. 

"What will you tell them." He ask.

"I can tell them what I told aeron and baelor when they found out you impregnated melorlah," Daemon frown in confusion before he gave his wife a look as he sat up and face her.

"You can not tell them about gwayne, the only reason aeron and baelor let it go was because they knew the relationship between you and gwayne. Our children don't." Daemon said.

"What else can I do, I can not have our children hating you, I am sure that baelon will be telling his siblings of their father's infidelity soon enough and I can't have them all hating you, not when they need you more than ever."

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