Chapter - 37

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I let out a nervous moan before backing up and closing the door, I slowly turn to daemon to see him watching me with a smile. I move my hands in front of me as I pick at the nails, while I make my way towards him. He meet me halfway between the couch and the bed, I chew on my bottom lip as I try to figure how to tell him.

"A bit early for bed, don't you think?" He says moving his hand play with fabric of my skirt.

"I was hoping to get a few hours of sleep before my departure back home," he hum with a small smirk.

"Do you think you can spare half with me, because I really want to continue where we left off in godswood." He move his hand to touch my waist making me flinch and take a step back, daemon hand hang in the air for second before he drop it.

He stare at me unsure as I stood in front of him with my hand griping the skirt of my gown, "Are you mad at me?" He ask finally making me chew on my cheek.

"Of course not, I'm just..." I trail off before looking down at my stomach, I was taken back a bit as I didn't even realize my hand was resting it.

"Your not wearing my ring." He comments making me look back up at him to see him staring at my hand, I move to hug my chest to take his gaze from my stomach.

"I must have forgotten to put it on before I left..." I look glance away from him, " it been a hysteric couple of weeks," he was silent for a moment, before I saw movement making me look as he walk to stand in front of me.

"Yes, i heard. I'm sorry about thoros, I know how much he meant to you," he emphasize, I look down at my bare feet before muttering a thanks as I use my big toe rub the stone floor.

"...and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me, you know I was-" I look back at him with a smile that faltered as the thought of thoros makes me feel emotional again.

"I know I read the letters. I'm not mad at you, daemon." I spoke, he seem not to believe me as he glance away and look back at you.

Daemon wet his lips before biting his bottom one, "Then, what is troubling you, my belove." I cast my eyes away from him moving my hand to rub at my neck.

Come on, rhaelle. Just tell him, tell him what has been eating at you since the moment you found out.

"Is this about otto?" My eyes snap up at him, "...if it is you don't have to feel bad, that cunt deserve it he shouldn't have been-" I shake my head making him stop.

"No, no, gods no. This isn't about him, I..." I stop myself as I look at daemon, he stare at me with his sweet worried eyes,"...daemon, we need to talk." He furrow his brows at the seriousness tone.

"You do not wish to marry me anymore?" He ask sadly, I shook my head slowly

"Believe me, after what I tell you, we won't have a choice," I mutter making him frown in confusion.

I held out my hand for him, he didn't miss a beat as he put his hand in the palm of my hand. I took hold of his fingers playing with them as I took in a deep breathe and sigh.

"Gods, rhae. What is it your worrying me." He says apprehensive, I look from his fingers to his face. The worry and the fear in his eyes made me choke as I did not wish to see it disappear and turn into anger and resentment.

Oh, may the warrior give me strength.

"Daemon, I'm..." I stop as the fear in my chest squeezed my heart making me let go of him, "I can't do this I thought I can but I can't-" I back away as my hands went to my stomach to clench it.

"Do what. What is it that you want to tell me," he ask looking at me, I shook my head repeatedly telling him 'I can't'.

I want to cry but at the same time I want to scream, gods why must this be so hard just say it, three words, why am I so worried about him hating me. If he ever love me he wouldn't be angry, right, he would be by my side and still love me but what if his not ready to be a father, what if he ask me to drink the moon tea.

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