Chapter - 002

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It was quite a late afternoon when everybody was doing their day-to-day task and their duties around the castle, the servants and handmaidens thought so, especially two new servant girls, meya and Alora, who were appointed to their new mistress rhaelle velaryon. The two girls wanted to introduce themselves to their new lady when they stop and heard arguing behind the oak door. The young girl, meya, moved closer to the door to her sister's displeasure as they both moved back at the sound of glass shattering behind the door, making the two sisters look at each other in confusion and unease before looking back at the door

Behind the other side of the door, rhaelle knocked one of her wine glasses off the table pissed.

"Must you behave like are a grown woman and here you are acting like a child." Rhaelle had her hands flat on the table as her head low with her eyes squeezed shut, she was trying so hard not to speak out of term to...this man but her patience was slowly wary thin with every word he spoke.

"I am NOT acting like a child." She glared over at him, she hated when he said that to her even when she was a actually child it made her feel stupid and weak.

"You couldn't have fooled me," he commented crossing his arms and giving her a stern look, she faltered under his gaze making her look away to the table.

"Why are you doing this father? You promised me you wouldn't. Not until she was of age," she whispered.

"Valaena is of age. It is high time you started seeing her as such." Rhaelle frown at her father words.

"She is ten and one. She is too young to be married off...especially to him," she spat leaning off the table.

"Lord Boremund is a respectable man, and I know he will treat Valaena well as his wife. " She rolled her eyes in disgust, a respectable man isn't a word she would call her cousin, more like a belligerent ambitious fool that cares only for one thing.

"That man will do nothing, but use her as cattle to breed him heirs until it kills her." she hissed moving away from him to sit on her bed, she crossed her arms wanting nothing more than for him to leave and never bring up this again.

"Now you can see the future." Her father chided.

"No, but I do know men like him," she scold her father, "only the gods know that I spent my time around them long enough to know one, and being raised by one still doesn't prepare you to deal with them." she whispered the last part, corlys clenched his jaw in anger at his daughter words before scoffing and shaking his head.

"It is obvious that you need time to think about it, so I will leave you be," rhaelle watched as her father walked past her before stopping and turning to her.

"Come find me when your no longer....temperamental, my daughter. And maybe we talk like adults." Rhaelle growled lowly before taking off her shoe and throwing it at him, he glared at her as he dodge it making him yank the door open and walk out.

"Bastard." She whispered to herself putting her head in her hands, she heard a small knock causing her to look up to see two young women standing in her doorway.

"Can I help you?" She asked them, they looked taken back at her addressing them before coming further in and curtsy.

"Hello, m'lady. I am Meya and this is my sister, Alora, we are your new handmaidens." rhaelle looked at the two girls up and down.

"Hmmm, where are my children." she hummed standing, meya took the shoe she got from the floor and kneeled putting it on her lady's foot. Their young mistress thanked meya as the girl got back on her feet and held her hands in front of her while she talked.

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