Chapter - 014

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After Rhaelle spent her afternoon with someone between her legs and on her lips, the tension she felt moments ago passed and was replace by a wave of ease as she returned to court to see the servants setting up for the celebration this evening for her sons. Once, she watch over and directed some servants, she left to go see valaena but that was cut short when she saw aeron and valaena in the drawing room together on the sofa.

Aeron was holding his sister in his arms as she rest her head on his chest as they whispered to one another, rhaelle can't say that she's surpise by the scene before her. She stepped back from the door making sure not to make a sound and walked away as if she was never there, she headed outside to walk through godswood where she found Corwyn against weirwood tree near a small lake in front of him with his lute that was gifted to him when he return in his hands. His fingers danced against the strings softly and beautifully.

He hated it at first, but once he got a teacher to help, he begin to enjoy the cherry wood instrument. He soon notices rhaelle presents making her give a soft smile, he only gave her blank look before getting up with his lute in hand and leaving without saying anything to her. Rhaelle reach her hand out to him only for him to maneuver around her and go back inside the castle, the young queen sigh to herself  before looking up at the large weirwood tree that stood high. Corywn was Otto's son. The young man preffered his father over his mother, and rhaelle could not blame him for that, she basically pushed her childern into her husband's arms with her lack of mothering and drunkenness.

She sniff and rubbed her face in her hands before patting her cheeks as she took in deep breathes, she knows that was long ago and she changed and she wished that her son would see that. But, crowyn is too much like his father, she knows her child will never forgive her for what she did to their family  and he will continue to remind her of that by not acknowledging her. She soon turn on her heels holding her dress tight as she walk down the path back to the castle, as she groe close to the entrance, she heard a snap from behind her making her stop in her steps. She turned slowly and look at the woods that surrounded her, her eyes flickered around before she back and turn around.

A shriek passed through the queen's lips making her cover her mouth with her hands, when she say baelor and daemon with looks of mischief on their faces before busted out in fits of giggles.

"I told you she was here." Baelor laugh nudging daemon, rhaelle remove her hands from her mouth and glare at the two princes.

"That wasn't funny." She hissed at the two, but that did deterre them from their fits of laughter.

"No, but the look on your face was." Daemon says chuckling, before going into his pocket in and fishing out two coins giving it to baelor.

"Thank you, uncle." Baelor said looking at the two coins before putting them in his own pocket, " Mother." Baelor bowed his head in greeting before turning to leave, rhaelle look after him with a scowl before turning her fury to daemon who was looking at her with a grin.

"What was that a bet? I thought I said no gambling." She snaps looking at him with her arms crossed, daemon shook his head coming closer to her.

"No gambling. I just paid him to tell me where you be around this time and scarying you was just a bonus." He chuckles again as he stand a foot away from rhaelle, she roll her eyes at his antics.

"You are such a child."

"And you are a no fun, anymore." He said with a smirk looking down at her, she scoff with a look.

"Sorry. But, scarying me half to death isn't my idea of fun." She move around him, making him quickly walk beside her.

"You use to love it when I scared you," she shook her head.

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