Chapter - 022

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It was quiet. The fire in the fireplace was out and the room was chilly, but that wasn't what made daemon wake up. He stir awake the blanket that was given to him was where he left when he drifted off to sleep, daemon grunted as he move his legs from over the arm of the chair to plant his feet on the floor. He crane his neck hearing his bones pops as he turn it left and right slowly, the sound of muttering beyond him made him turn his head slightly drowsy.

He shook his head telling himself he inagine it and frown as he got up with blanket in his hand he twisted his upper body hoping to get the tension in his middle back to loosen, he roll his shoulder as he make his way to rhaelle's bed to put the over her covered legs. As he spread out the blanket he heard a whimper and stop, he waited a moment and heard it again making him sit up and look around before turning to rhaelle. He heard sniffing making him think that she was awake and in pain and needed more medicine, he came to her side about to ask if she was in pain when he stop himself seeing her eyes closed.

The young woman was holding her pillow tightly in her grip as she pleads in her sleep, he heard her muttering as she tremble underneath the covers.

"Please, don't hurt him."

"His just a boy leave him alone, please."

"Please, don't hurt my son."

Daemon's hand was squeezing rhaelle's shoulder as he tries to shake her awake, soon her whimpers became sobs as she moves in her sleep. It was like she was trying to get someone off her as she thrash against the mattress, daemon look down at her worried as he grasp her cheeks trying to get to open her eyes. Sudden, rhaelle jolt forward making daemon jump back in fear as she screams at the top of her lungs.

"Ziry zālagon mazverdagon ziry keligon! Mazverdagon ziry keligon!" She repeated, rhaelle grip her hair rocking herself as shs cries. [It burn make it stop! Make it stop!]

Daemon watch with no idea what to do, he stood against the wall watching as rhaelle hold herself. He slowly peel off the wall and took steady steps towards her, when he got to her side again he could see her shaking. When he touch her shoulder she flinch away crying before repeating the words no, she thrash against daemon not knowing who it was as he held her to his chest.

"Shh shh shh...Lykiri! Lykiri! My love it is me, it's is your daemon, drāmmagon aōha laesi se ūndegon ziry iksos issa." He pleaded with her as he rock her in his arms. [Calm! Calm!...Open your eyes and see it is me.]

It took him a few minutes to get her to stop fighting against him, now she had her face press against daemon's chest as he rocks them. She didn't want to move the feeling of being wrap in daemon's embace was comforting to her, the rhythm of his heartbeat made it easy for her to come out from her night terror and back to this reality.

Rhaelle sniff pulling back making daemon lean back as well as he got a look at her, he watch her use the palm of her hand to rub her eyes trying to get of the tears.

"I'm sorry" she utters not looking at daemon making the prince frown at her apologize, "I didn't mean to wake you," she sniff again.

"Don't be sorry, " He says watching her closely as she use the back of her hand to wipe her cheeks.

"I must have given you quite a fright." Her giggle sounded force and hollow as she move to finally lift her eyes to look at him, he let a low chuckle trying to go along with her.

"Yes, quite a bit." Rhaelle swallow as she looks down at her hands, they sat in silence, the room was unbearable to rhaelle, she hated it when it was too quiet and so did daemon.

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