Chapter - 39

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Meleah left the Red Keep the moment the sunrise peek along the ocean, she stood up half the night with rhaelle trying to get the despondent woman off the floor and to the bed. Rhaelle made sure to avoid eye contact with meleahs as the young priestess tries tuck her in bed, meleah soon follows after under the covers as she held her friend's hand through the night. When she woke up first she saw how rhaelle disgruntle face as she sleep, she was having a nightmare.

Just seeing rhaelle in despair even in her sleep made meleah's heart clench in her chest, so she did something she knew if her friend find out, rhaelle would never speak to her again. After, meleah took care of rhaelle, she grab her cloak and went off through the castle before leaving to Fleabottom. Before, she left the castle she heard maids talking, more like gossiping about the prince and the princess rhaenyra, tales of him bringing her into a brothel in fleabottom and taking her virtue. Meleah didn't have time to think about if he did it or not, she focus on her task on finding daemon and bringing back to the castle.

As meleah roam the streets of fleabottom, she looked through ever person mind hoping to see if any of them saw the rogue prince last. It wasn't until a young girl, mere teen with dark hair and tan skin walk by eyeing meleah, when she saw where daemon was in the girl's head, she made her way to the the two story brothel.

A woman with tan skin and dark long hair watch as Meleah climb the steps of her brothel, making the slender woman come out and meet meleah halfway on the stairs.

"How do you do, m'lady. If you are in need of service, may I suggest using the front door." The thick Lys accent made meleah tilt her head up slightly but not much so her face could still be hidden.

"I am not a customer. I heard you know the whereabouts of the rogue prince," Mysaria hummed took a step forward leaving three steps between the two woman.

"I do, what is it to you." Mysaria ask.

"He is needed back at the castle, immediately." Mysaria look over Meleah's body taking the woman in before speaking.

"I can show where he sleeps, but it will cost you...greatly." The curve of meleah's lip lift a bit before she reach both hands up to take down her hood, she flick her eyes up to look into mysaria's dark orbs.

"I have no money...nor time to waste," Mysaria watch as the woman take a step up and an unsettling feeling nestled in her stomach as Meleah look at her, " I ask again where is he." A flicker of red pass through Meleah's iris making Mysaria gulp back in shock and fear.

"You are a witch." She trembled out, meleah smirk as she took a step close no coming face to face Mysaria.

"No, child. I am not..." Meleah move her hand causing Mysaria to flinch back as the priestess move her hand to dust off nonexistent dirt from mysaria's shoulder, "...I am something way worst and ancient," Meleah pulled her hand away.

"I am also someone without patience, so..." Meleah step aside with a wick smile, "...lead the way."

Daemon laid on a cot on the floor, his face was covered in dirt and he reek off wine. Meleah look at him from the doorway with wrinkled nose, she cross the threshold and look around the room in distaste.

"Daemon." She called to him as she walk to lean over him, "...daemon, wake up." She called again, but the man only grumble and turn his face away from the light coming from the window.

Meleah heave a sigh, before she stood up and straight, "Daemon!" She bawl out using her toe to jab him in the rib making him groan and clench his side, daemon eyes slitted out as move to sit up, he sneer at the figure in front of him before grumbling.

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