Chapter - 009

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I watch from my seat as the king and his wife parade their son around to the lords and ladies of the court, the way the king smiled as he held his son in his arms stirred nothing in me and why should it?

"Baelor!" Whined Marra, "I'm bored let's go play," she said as she held the leather-around ball that was filled with feathers and fur in her hands, I didn't look at her when I told her in a minute, I heard her huff and plump down next to on the bench.

"The more you stare the more annoyed you gonna get..." she said.

I ignored her. There was no reason to be annoyed, it was not like I was jealous of my little brother. On the contrary, I was happy when I was told that Alicent gave birth to a boy, it meant that I had someone to spend my time with during my stays at king's landing.

I cast my eyes away when I caught the king's gaze, his eyes wrinkled when his lips turned upwards smiling at me. I look at the ball in Marra's hands before smacking it from her gripe, so it can fall to the ground.

"I'm the kicker," I stated before I kick the ball over to the two trees that stood five feet apart, the ball bounced against the left tree before rolling off into the woods. I hurried over to get it as Marra whined about me cheating as she ran after me.

"Hey! Don't venture too far now." Valaena's voice ranged loud making us stop by the trees before calling out.

"We won't!" We ran off into the forest to find the ball.

Rhaelle poked her head out of the large tent to see her daughter after hearing her call out to baelor and marra, "Hey," she caught her daughter's attention making the young woman turn to her.

"Did they leave yet?" She whispered making her daughter roll her eyes as rhaelle stepped further out looking around.

"Yes, the King and the Queen are gone, mother." Rhaelle hummed as she walk over to her child.

"Where's your brother?" She asked looking around again for the young boy.

"He and Marra went off." Rhaelle frowned before stepping ahead of her daughter looking for her son's shield and sword.

"...without Ser Kegan and Ser Rewan." She looks back to her daughter.

"They're getting dinner and wood, and knowing them they will be back pretty soon, so you need to get the knives out." She commands before moving to get her knitted shawl from the bench table and folding it.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Rhaelle asked watching her daughter move in the direction of the king and queen's tent.

"Dropping off a small gift, don't worry. I won't stay long." She said before walking away, rhaelle frowned and looked around.

"Where the fuck are my guards." She said to herself as she walked back inside to ask the others.

Valaena held the folded shawl against her abdomen as she walked in the direction of her sister's tent, she stop for a second as the guards stepped aside to let her in making her smile at them before slowly walking inside. Her eyes wandered around the tent for her eldest sister, she turn to chew on her bottom lip as she walks around.

"Valaena?" She turned when her name was being called and saw rhaenyra standing off to the side away from everyone, the targaryen princess smiled wide before engulfing valaena in a hug.

It had been years since she has last seen rhaenyra, and she is surprised that the princess was even happy to see her since what happened between rhaenyra's father and her mother.

"Rhaenyra. It's been so long, how have you been?" She pulled away to look at the princess in front of her, rhaenyra shrug her shoulder slightly with a small smile.

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