Chapter - 29

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Daemon rode back with Thoros to Stonehold alone, neither man said a word to another.  Thoros was too intrigued on what was going on outside while daemon was to nervous to speak, when they finally which the castle daemon helped thoros out. The old king waved his guards away as they were to take him to his chamber to rest but the king rather stay with daemon pulling the young prince along inside, they continue their walk without words until thoros stop at a water fountain in the West Wing where he stays.

He look up at the statue of the woman, daemon watch as the old man kiss his fingers before he ligt his hand in the air towards the statue. Thoros took a sit on the marble fountain with his cane resting by his side, daemon looks around the area before he glance up at the marble lady. She looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it, he look away probably from one of the many paintings in the hall.

"How fast time has passed, huh..." Thoros started as he looks around the room making daemon look at him with a furrow brows, "One minute you are fighting wars in the name of your king, and then the next your trying to figure out what comes after it all." The old man chortle to himself as he what he said was the funniest thing.

"My king?" Thoros turns his pale blue eyes at daemon, it took a moment for the old king to speak.

"You remind me a little of myself when i was once youthful," Daemon swallow as he shifted in his spot not sure what to say, "I never had ambitions or a thirst for chaos and mayhem, but i did love my family. Even if some didn't deserve it." Thoros wave his hand beckoning daemon forward before turning slightly to gaze at the crystal water seeing the different various of fish swim, daemon took slow steps before he lowered himself down on the edge of the fountain.

"I had a brother, Rhaegon, he was my twin and older than me by a second, he was a fierce warrior and a real unscrupulous seducer." the old king chuckle lowly as daemon smirk, "He felt that duties were meant for kings, so he denounce himself as heir of the serpent islands which annoyed my father since he considerme the weak twin."

"But, once my father died and I took the throne it wasn't until I married my sister is when things changed." Daemon gave a confuse frown as he look at thoros.

"How do you mean?" Thoros hum as lines form on his forehead as he tries to remember.

"My brother...he was an unpredictable drunk and when he drink he forgets all morals especially to his family, and take things forcefully without thought." Thoros grip on his cane tighten as he look forward with a look of despair, "My sweet wife was pregnant with my first child, she was seven full moons along. My brother and I were drinking in the throne room after he came back from his voyage, I was never good with the stuff my brother drink always made me sluggish." Thoros stood up using his cane as he pace the area. 

"What happened?" Daemon ask watching thoros as he move around, he knows there is a reason the king was telling him.

"He...defile my wife and in return we lost our daughter, " Daemon cast his eyes down as thoros look at him, "I was almost driven into madness when I was told, as I wait in the throne room for my brother return, he was hurting my wife." Thoros look away from Daemon and gaze up at the statue.

"My sweet love..." thoros spoke softly with a broken smile, "She beg me to spare him, she said he is still our brother and to banish him instead, send him away, but I couldn't." He sigh looking away from the statue, daemon look back at thoros.

"I made sure he was trapped on the island, I had men keep an eye on his dragon, I made it known to anyone who would help him would be dealt the same punishment as him." Thoros shook his head, "When I did finally hunt him down, he begged for his life, even cried, but that didn't deter my rage. And only thing I regret about it all was making his death drag on longer than it had to but you know." He spoke unbothered making daemon look slightly taken back.

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