Chapter 60

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"You can't be serious." Rhaelle ask looking away from the window to rhaenyra, "She's still a child."

"She been bleeding since last summer, rhaelle. Jaenara is no longer a little girl, but a woman and i believe we should take alicent's offer." Rhaelle shook her head at rhaenyra and went back to looking out of the window of the painted table chamber, even through it was far she could see the children flying in the sky, "This union could be good for us, for all we know it could forestall the war or even end it before it starts." Rhaelle sigh moving her fingers to massage her eyes, she knew that rhaenyra was right but it just didn't sit right with her that her fourteen year old neice was being married off to aemond targaryen.

"Rhaelle." Rhaenyra call moving to stand beside rhaelle, "You know I care for my own way, but you always told me I need to start thinking what's best for the family and I really think this is." Rhaelle sigh turning to face rhaenyra, she knew she couldn't argue with the future queen about the girl's own daughter and the last thing she want to do is get into a argument with her.

"I know and you are right." Rhaenyra gave rhaelle a grateful smile at her understanding, "But, let's not tell her so soon, i want her to enjoy her little time she has left with family before being leaving to King's landing." Rhaenyra nod.

"Of course, I'll send alicent our answer." Rhaelle hum making rhaenyra grab her hand and squeeze it, "Thank you for understaing, rhaelle. I know this isn't how you want her or any of our children to be married." Rhaelle bow her head as Rhaenyra lean up to kiss rhaelle's cheek.

After years of living in the castle together, rhaenyra's attitude has come less prissy since sharing the bed with rhaelle and daemon, she became more bearable to live with. It seems the young princess only listens when she had a good fuck, so rhaelle doesn't complain about the change in behavior.

If having to ask daemon to go fuck her or having to do it herself, keeps the brat from treating  jaenara and the others badly. She take it.

As rhaenyra was leaving daemon walks in, he nod at rhaenyra who bow her head at him before he walks up to his wife.

"Hello, my love." Rhaelle spoke sweetly as daemon smile at her, he kiss her lips passionately before pulling away.

"Hello, belove. What were you and rhaenyra talking about." He ask grabbing her hand leading her towards the painted table.

"Oh, alicent has arranged a marriage between jaenara and aemond, rhaenyra was asking for my input." Daemon wrinkle is nose in dismay at the mention of arranged marriage.

"And your okay with this?" He ask, rhaelle smile at daemon sadly and nod, daemon furrow his brows.

Over the years, daemon has taken to treating rhaenyra's children as his own especially lucerys and jaenara.

"She is not my daughter, daemon. I have no say in the matter even if i objected to it, it just going to end with rhaenyra getting mad and taking it out on the poor girl." Daemon hmm as he rubs his wife's palm.

"I do not trust them." He says making rhaelle look at him, "Lucerys took her son's eye and attack rhaenyra, now after five summers she wish to marry her son to the boy's sister who took her son's eyes. It feels like a trap." Rhaelle frown slightly.

"Maybe, she doesn't hold ill will anymore, she did tell me once that she always liked jaenara and that the young girl would be good for her son." Rhaelle defends, daemon gave his wife a look.

"Do you truely believe that?" He ask making rhaelle sigh.

"No, but it gives me a small bit of comfort that it could be true. And besides, alicent can't hold ill will to the girl after her son hit her with rock causing her to lose half of her memories."

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