Chapter - 020

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The first snowflake marked the beginning of winter, the windows of the castle were shut and many of the subjects and servants started to wear heavy clothing. Rhaelle hated the winters in the serpent islands, she was not use to this climate and the snow was unbearable especially when she wanted to go for a walk. She use to fear for her poor dragon, rhaemyx, since Magonsæte didn't have a Dragonpit but caves in the mountains. But, now she found the winter to be the best season, she didn't have to worry for the dragons anymore now that they finish the Dragonpit many moons ago. She got use to the cold and walking in thick layers of clothing when she goes on walks, and the cold made it easy for her to sleep at night.

She always took pleasure in outside games with her childern, which it why she along with marra and valaena were in the north wing garden hiding from daemon, baelor, and aeron. Not too long ago, baelor made up a game where you threw snow at each other, it was entertaining game for the family.

Marra squeal when the snowball hit her in the back, some of the snow splatter and touch her expose neck. The young girl turn sharply around to see aeron with a smile and holding two snowballs in his hand, before he could throw another he was hit in the back of the head causing him to drop the snow and let marra run away.

"Aw, he said no snowballs to the head." Aeron groan rubbing the back of his head before turning to his sister with a smirk.

"No, I remember he said the face." He rolled his eyes before he could let out a snarky comment, he was hit in the face with another snowball, he wipe his face looking at his sister laughing. 

Rhaelle look away from her book when she heard a shriek echo throughout the garden, she shook her head gently before going back to her book, she sat on a bench under a willow tree with her favorite book in her hand, she would usually be playing along but decided to sit this one out, she truly didn't feel like getting snow thrown at her. She rather hear the scream of her elder children and daemon go through it than her running and fallen being attack by those little heathens, she also promise baelor morrow to play if he allow her to just enjoy the winter.

The sound of scrunch snow under someone's feet made her ears perk and her head lift up, she sigh closing her book with her finger on the page where she was reading.

"Whoever it is behind me no matter your age, i will spank you with a wooden spoon on your behind if I feel any ice hit me." She warned before turning around in her sit, she gulp when she saw daemon and stood up.

"I...I can not say that I wouldn't be mad if you did, my queen." He smirk as he hands were folded behind his back, rhaelle look down with smile and heated face.

"Apologies, I thought you were one of my children." She took a sit as daemon walk closer to her after waving her away, she slide a bit giving him space to sit down.

"Are you having fun?" She asked after a moment, she look to him as he held a placid smile as he look out at the childern running around and throwing snow.

"I am." He look at her to find her staring at him with soft smile.

"I'm happy you are it is nice to have family around especially ones that are familiar to the children." Daemon could sense the sorrow in her voice at mention of family.

"You should host a family dinner then, it should be a treat to see my cousins," Daemon chuckle as he lean back with his arms cross over his stomach, rhaelle frowned a bit as she glance to the snow beneath her feet.

"As much as I would, I can not..." Daemon look away from the children and back at rhaelle.

"Why not? It is not like they are restricted from the serpent islands,"

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