Chapter - 45

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We made it to King's Landing in the early evening, me and the triplets rode ahead to the Red Keep as Daemon stayed behind with Caraxes. I had hope to walk into the celebration with daemon by my side, I was worry when he told me he was staying back with caraxes, I felt that maybe he was still a little mad at me. But, daemon like always saw my distress and quickly kiss my cheek before telling me not to worry, he gave me that smile that I knew so well the one that made me feel calm and safe.

It was hard to pull away from him, before i could leave he pull out his ring. He slide it on my pinky before kissing my palm, I been rubbing the palm of my hand every since getting in the carriage. The feeling of his lips linger on my skin made me smile and it gave me some peace, when we got to the castle there was so many apeople in the courtyard. I mean not surprising it is a royal wedding, as me and my children get out the crowd of people stare at us.  My knights were by our side in a second when we set foot on the ground, my trusted sword, janas, stood close to me as we made our way through the crowd of people who step out of our way.

I smile at lords that I recognize from my trip to westeros, they smile back with their wife and family bowing as I walk by. It is so odd to see people who look at me with odd and funny looks since my separation with otto, now bow and greet me with a smile as if they never talk about me behind my back or made crude comments when I was not around. 

Oh, how things have changed.

"Introducing, Queen Rhaelle of the Serpent Islands, Lady of Magonsæte and her heirs, Prince Aeron, Prince Corwyn and Princess Valaena of House Velfrey." I held up the skirt of my gown as I walk down the steps, I saw house velaryon already here with my mother, lord corlys, my uncle, and siblings already sitting at the long table with viserys and his daughter.

I could see from the corner of my eye as the lords and lady bow as I pass by their tables, I finally made it up to the table with my party.

"Your highness." I gave a curtsy at the two targaryen that sat side by side, "I am upmost thankful to be invited to such a joyous occasion." I look at viserys expecting him to be looking at me but he was rather looking anywhere but me as if trying to find someone.

When he didn't respond I glance at lord strong who cleared his throat making viserys look at him before he look at me, a look that I was unfamiliar with from him made me shift as I move to play with my ring.

"Yes, of course..." he stood up from his chair with a small smile, "...I could not forget to invite the very person who set up such a lovely union," he look at his daughter who gave him a tight lip smile before looking back at me.

I look away with mock bashfulness as I glance at my brother, he look happy but I know on the inside he was dreading this marriage. He made eye contact with the me as I gave hum a apologic look, he just gave a small smile nodding his head before I look back at viserys.

"You are too kind, my king." Viserys nod his head before beckoning the servants and requesting more chairs.

As a bunch of servants came with chairs they set four around the table, as another servant guided my party to sit at a empty next to house velaryon. As I walk over to the end of the table where my blood family sat, laenor got up and came around to hug me, he rub my back before he pull away so I can kiss his cheek. He smile at me as he move on to do the same to corwyn, valaena, and aeron, I smile at my sister as I took the seat between her and my uncle, laena smile back before she lean to kiss my cheek before I love to pinch her cheek mocking her. She bat my hand away with a giggle making me chuckle and turn to nod at my uncle, he nod back before he took his cup and drink from it.

My eyes finally look over at my mother and her husband, she glance at me as I clear my throat.

"Mother." I acknowledge with soft voice.

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