Chapter - 44

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"Mother, must we wear this? It itches." Aeron whine messing with his collar of fine clothing all the way from Myr, rhaelle give her son a look going over to him to swat at his hands and fixing his collar.

"It's a wedding, aeron. Your suppose to look proper and nice even if it's uncomfortable." Rhaelle says moving to dust off some dirt from her son's shoulders just as Corwyn and Valaena walk in.

"I agree with aeron, mother. Must I wear such a revealing dress," Rhaelle turn away from her son as he fidget in his clothing, a small gasp left rhaelle's lips as she sees her daughter in a black gown.

"Oh, my sweet water nymph, you look gorgeous." Rhaelle walk over to her daughter and look her over, she back up to see valaena staring at her with a look of discomfort.

"Thank you, mama. But, couldn't you find something more me." Valaena look down at her gown with the wide v slit showing off her cleavage, the young princess move her arms to hug her stomach, "...I think it's too much."

"If you want to change, you can always try the golden dress I had made for you," a look of distaste painted valaena's features at the thought of the other gown making her shake her head slowly.

"I'll just keep what I have on." Rhaelle hum happy before looking over at Corwyn as he twist his ring on his pinky finger.

"Everything alright, Corwyn." Rhaelle glance over at her son as she fix the gold headband on her daughter's head.

Corwyn looks over at his mother with a dull look before back at his hand, "Yes, everything is fine...mother," Rhaelle look over at her son with a small smirk, after they talk about sneaking out of the castle and not telling her, rhaelle had a few choice words with her son making him change his tone with her rather quickly.

Maybe corlys was right about one thing for once, she thought.

"Don't look so glum, Corwyn. Once Valaena and I wedding comes you can wear whatever you want." Valaena scoff at her older brother, he still thinks he has a chance with her, she shook her head as she twist her ring that her mother had made for all her children on her thumb.

"Really? Can I that nice green robe that father gave to me." Corwyn ask making Aeron laugh.

"Gods, no. You think I want such a ugly color at my wedding, please." He chuckle slapping his brother on the back making Corwyn sneer at him.

"You didn't seem bother by the color, when that whore from The Siren was dancing for you in all green silk just a few days ago." Rhaelle shook her head while she fix her gown, she listen to her sons banter before drawing her attention to the door to the throne room opening.

Baelor and Marra walk in with knights following behind them, rhaelle smile at her son and his friend, rhaelle take her son in as he makes his way towards her. He gotten a bit tall, and he just ten years old, rhaelle gives baelor a look as she  starts thinking how time has passby since baelor was a baby.

"You look beautiful, mother." Baelor says coming to stop in front of rhaelle making her put her hand on her cheek bashful.

"Aw, thank you, my sweet prince. I hope you do not hold no ill will towards me for keeping you here." She said reaching up to mess with his white hair making him move his head away from her.

"Of course not, I should be thanking you actually, you spare me and marra from a long night of boring talks and looking like corwyn." Corwyn look over at his younger brother with a mock look before turning to his mother with a annoy expression.

"Why must we endure an unbearable evening with these people who don't even like us while he stays home and do nothing, it is his sister's wedding." Rhaelle look at corwyn as she had her arm around baelor's shoulder.

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