Chapter - 013

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You watch from your window as Daemon walk along side Baelor and Ser Rewan, you heard someone step inside your chambers making you turn away from the window. You saw Meleah in her dark blue cloak along with her two sisters from her clan, you move away greeting them all before saying a seat in your armchair.

"So? Did he go to the tower?" You asked.

"No. From what i gathered from the guards he went straight to his chambers after your talk." You let out a low hum looking away, he may have not gone today but you know he will venture there eventually.

"I went to his chamber after he left and I found nothing to show he means harm, the sword known as dark sister held no minatory to it." Roznezli, an ghiscari girl, from what you been told by Melah, the girl held the power to obtain memories and sensations concerning beings and objects they observed or touch.

You let out a low growl as you clench your jaw and dig your nail into the cushion of the arm, a girl you come to know as Orasha was from Myr and she could sense the emotions of others. Which is why she made a sound causing you to look in her direction, she stood to lean against the fireplace with one arm across her stomach while the other hang.

"Your body shows agitation, but your heart shows relief." She said softly making you roll your eyes at the woman and face Meleah.

"Have you gotten anything from him that she could have missed, what did his mind tell you."

Meleah told you long ago of her abilities to read others minds, which came in good use during the rebellion and the war, but it also was a pain whenever you were near her. As much as you love her, she babies you as if she is your mother, keeping things from you when she knows you already have too much on your mind. You are grateful. Of course, but has caused some conflict between the two of you, which you don't like to admit almost destroy a long time friendship.

The young lys girl look at you with a nervous glint in her eyes, before glancing at Orasha, who look back at her with a faint sly smile as she sway gently. You narrow your eyes at her and Orasha as they shared a look, you called her name making her look at you again.

"Your not going to like what I say," You raise your brow at her, you try to contain the fear and disappointment in your chest that is ready to bloom into anger and resentment towards her former lover.

"Say it." Meleah chew on her bottom lip before looking down at the wooden floors.

"He...uh, his mind has...been, focused on you in a...hmmm." Meleah bite her tongue feeling her face heat up and make her scratch her cheek timid, you tap your thumb against the arm as you wait for her to spill what she found out.

"Leah, please, your killing me here." You said on edge as you fear for the worse, another sound came from Orasha as she lean off the wall and walk over to Meleah with a airy look.

"All of these emotions are making me dizzy, meleah stop being embarrassed and tell our sweet queen that there's nothing to worry about so she can stop upsetting herself." You squint at Orasha gently voice as she move over to a smirking Roznezli and lean her body against her friend.

"What is she talking about, meleah." The young priestess gulp and frigid with her fingers.

"I, too, have not gotten any enmity from the rogue prince, but rather some prurience thoughts from him...about you." She says a bit uncomfortable, you close your eyes as you sunk into your chair knowing what she meant making  your face heat up.

You feel so embarrassed and bad for your friend to have to hear daemon's thoughts, you hate how hard it is he is making it to despise him. Well, he might not be here for some sinister reason, but you still won't entertain him. You have worked too hard to regain your dignity, you be damn it all go away.

"Well, thank you, ladies. You can go back to your duties," You said as you use your two fingers to massage your temple, Orasha and Roznezli bowed before heading towards the door leaving you and Meleah alone.

She took a seat on the armchair that sat on the other side of the small round table next to your own, "Now, that you know he means no ill intention, what would you do next?" She asked.

"What else can I do, all I can do is wait for him to leave."

"What if he never leaves?" You look at her as she look at you.

"Then, I will make him leave even if it means I have to knock him unconscious and send his ass back to King's Landing gaged and tied." Meleah shook her head with a faint smile not surpised by her queen's plan.

"I understand why you need to keep daemon at arm's length, but..." You look at her, "It has been years, my queen. Since you last saw the rogue prince, don't you think that maybe he changed for the better?" You roll your eyes.

"Now you? Why do you all wish for me to give him another chance, I know him and I know how he is. Daemon does not do domesticity, he do whores and chaos that is his thing." You snapped, you were growing tired of hearing about daemon and his feelings for me, what they told you earlier does not faze you. What daemon doing is the bare minimum, if he truely wants you he would know what to do to get your attention and affection.

You heard Meleah hum with a look on her face before shaking her head, "You must know we are not trying to annoy you, but we been talking..." You shot her a look.

"What you mean 'talking' have you lot been having secret meetings behind my back?" You said angry, meleah look ashamed making you clench your jaw and scowl.

"Unbelievable, meleah, just nice I never  thought you of all people would do such a traitorous thing like this to me." Meleah looked at you  with hirt written all over her face, "Well? Tell me what exactly you and my advisors has been talking about behind my back." You snarl making meleah duck her head in shame.

"It is not what you think–"

"Its not? I swear, you lot choose the greatest moments to tell me things. I will discuss this 'secret meeting' at a later time, now I want here what you been talking about once I am gone." You face her way waiting as your anger grows from lack of speech coming from her mouth.

"We know how you feel about talking about...marriage, and we know how you don't like to talk about thoros's condition." You get up facing the fireplace, you feel the fire in your heart about to combust in flames.

"No, absolutely not."

"Rhaelle–" You turn to face her with your hands on your hips and a sharp glare in your eyes.

"No. No. No! He is not king material his barely prince material, I will not even play with the idea of daemon targaryen being my husband and king of the serpent islands." You bark.

"Your being selfish. This goes beyond you and your love history with the prince, this is about alliance with the seven kingdoms." You drop your hands from your hips to your sides clenching them painful with your nails going into your skin, "You and I know it is getting hard with the Iron Islands attacking and gathering more supporters, we need a marriage pact with house targaryen before this get worse." Your upper lip twitch as he forms into a sneer, you know she is right but dammit how you hate it.

"Get out." You move from her sight and behind her.

"Rhaelle–" she started desperate.

"I said get out!" You glare at her as she turn in her chair to see you near your bed, you wait and watch her get up from her seat, and walk towards the door.

"And tell my servants their queen is need of their service, right now." You restort as you pull at the sttings of your corset, meleah didn't stop or knowledge you as she slam the door behind her.

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