Chapter - 34

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When we finally decided to show ourseleves the welcoming celebration was moved from the throne room to godswood, my arm was loop through meleah's arm as I leaned on her while she guided me to godswood. I don't know what has gotten into me, I had so much energy earlier now all I feel is tired and sluggish and big. This reminds me of something what I can't put my finger on what, maybe it's the stress getting to me, yeah, once I finish here and get back home I will feel like myself again.

Only the Red Keep and the people who stay in it can only be the reason to make me feel like absolute shit for no reason, I sigh to myself.

"Where's my pomegranate." I ask turning to look at meleah making the girl sigh herself.

"I told you, my queen. They are still looking for one," My frown deepen as we walk down the halls.

"Gods, I hate this place." I mutter, how can they not have pomegranates, they are one of the most imported fruit in westeros and they're still looking. Pigs. All of them. This place thinks about nothing but themseleves....

The moment we made it outside, I stirr meleah to the table filled of food. I unhook my arm from her as I look at the various of finger foods to eat, as I think about what I should eat first the rumble in my stomach made me realize it didn't matter. So, I took the crabapple tart from the platter and pop one in my mouth, my lashes flatter in delight at the bittersweet taste before moving to grab a plate and start pulling sweets and others onto my plate.

"My lady must you get so much," I pause and look at her before looking down at my plate that sat a separation of sweets and tidbits before glancing back at her with a frown.

"Gods, no wonder I'm getting fat, I'm stress eating." I groan moving to abandon the plate on the table, but meleah stop me from doing so as she took the plate from me.

"No, I didn't mean it like..." she sigh, "You look fine, my queen. Here." I shook my head as she tries to hand it back to me making my hands out in front of me.

"It's okay, nope. I'm fine. I'm not hungry anymore," I lied as I glance at the food and back meleah, she gave me a pleading look making me turn my head away.

"Fine." She said defeated, "Why don't I hold on to it, and if you get hungry again you can take a sweet or a tidbit off the plate, so people can think we are sharing and not all of it is yours." I bite my cheek and glance at her.

"You will do that for me?" I ask a bit uncertain, why am I feeling unsure, of course meleah do that for me she's my friend, "Thanks, Mel." She gave me purse smile as she bow her head at me.

I swipe a pork with bread around and quickly putting it in my mouth, gods that's nasty, even through I hate this place with a passion their food are always amazing. I cover my mouth as I chewed making me glance around at the lords and ladies, I look away from the people distracted by a bird in the weirwood tree. I move away from meleah to go near the tree trying to see the bird, I stand under the creepy face tree looking at the long branches that look to stretch out forever. As I move around the tree to stand behind it  I finally found the bird perched on a branch, it red feathers blended in with the blood-red leaves.

"What are you looking at?" I narrow my eyes at the bird as the person behind m3 ask.

"A bird."

"A bird?" He repeated making I hum.

"Yes, a bird. A Summer Tanager to be exact," It was his turn to hum.

"I don't see it." I lean back so my back can be touching his chest a bit before I move to point up in the tree.

"It's right...there on  that scrawny branch between those two larges ones." I felt him move closer so the front of his body was flash against my back and his chin hover over my right shoulder.

"Do you see it, my prince." His hands went to my waist gently squeezing them.

"Yes, my queen." I turn my head just as daemon did the same, a broad smile painted his lips as he gaze at me.

He squeeze my waist again before leaning towards my lips, before he can get a kiss outta me. I look away from him and move out of his hold  to lean against the tree, daemon look at me with amuse look before moving to lean against the tree too parallel from me.

"A fun fact about birds is that some are said to be smarter than humans," I said looking up as the bird flit to another branch making it shake and some leaves fall off.

"Are they now." I nod as I look at the bird flit again over to another branch, "I never knew you found birds interesting." I look at him.

"I don't. I just like reading about them, my favorite bird is the shrikes." Daemon raised his brow.

"Why? Because their cute and small." I chuckle as I move close to daemon making him smirk at me, as my hand brush against his hand making him grab it.

"That's one of the reasons," he press his lips to my palm making something in me spark and make me bite my bottom lip.

"What's the other." He ask moving my hand to rest against his cheek, my thumb caressed his cheek making him lean into my hand.

"Mostly because of their nickname, butcher birds, they got their names from impaling their prey on thorns or sharp branches to eat and store for later." I said as I slide my hand from his touch making him look at me with a bemused look, "Just because something is small and cute, my dear. Doesn't mean it can't kill you, daemon."

He face came close to my own, I could feel and smell his breathe from how close he was. It made you want to close the gap and kiss him already.

"I love it when you threaten me, my queen." A deep purr from him caused my mind to go foggy, it was the same sound he will make when he was on top of you. My core squeezed around nothing at the thought of him, gods how you want him inside of you.

"Not...threatening, my love. Just educating." I purr leaning closer to him.

He made it hard for me to think clearly. I could tell he felt the same way as his eyes hasn't stop peaking down at my swollen breast in this dress, I watch as his tongue poke out wetting his lips before our eyes made contact. His light purple eyes were now cloudy dark lilac as he stare at me, I look at his hand feeling it on my waist as he squeezes me before moving to slide behind me to grope my backside. As he kneaded my ass all I can think about is how all the time we laid in bed together. Those slender fingers were the ones that brought me to a mind-boggling orgamic bliss so many times, and how his soft lips would kiss along my thigh until he mouth on me. Gods how you want to feel him inside you again.

"...daemon," I whispered making him hum, "kiss me." He move his hand to the back of my neck bringing me onto a heated kiss.

I moan softly against him as he pull me flash against him, I could feel his tent poking me as I rub myself against casuing to let out a small whimper. His lips move from my lips to my neck as he kiss and suck along the my collarbone, as i allow him to push my back against the tree, the sudden sounds of people around us made me remember where we were at. I move to pull his mouth from my body before pecking him on the lips, before he could pull me in for another deep kiss. I move away from his hold and made my way from behind the tree.

I look over my shoulder with a smile to see him watching with lovesick grin as he comes from around the tree, when his name was called by a familiar female voice. I turn my eyes away and made way through the people who started to leave back inside to find Meleah.

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