Chapter 58

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Jaenara was to be awake, she stayed in bed for a moment like she been doing for the pass week before getting up when she knew a certain someone was getting ready for the day. The young girl quickly got ready for the day, she tied the small shawl around her head before she made a bow in the front as all of her hair was up in a messy bun. She grab her boots from next to the door and pull them on quickly when she heard a creak from outside her door, once finish she pull open her door quickly catching the young girl who took the room of across from jaenara by surpise.

Jaenara gave smile at her long time friend, alys, who in return look at her for a second before glancing around her neck before looking jaenara in the eye.

"Morrow." Alys says montone.

"Morrow, cousin." Jaenara gave a small smile happy that alys was talking to her, "Do...Do want to sit next to me at breakfast?" She ask nervous, alys hmm in thought as she study jaenara.

"I guess." Jaenara let out a soft sigh of relief before she can say anything else, alys close her door before walking down the corridor.

The young velaryon girl watch her bestfriend walk away from her without looking back. She was happy that alys was starting to warm up to her again, at first she didn't understand why alys was ignoring her, when she was first told that her cousins were going to live with her she was so excited and so happy, since her father passing jaenara had been feeling alone the pass couple full moons.

Her mother (nowsdays) ignores her, jacerys has taken to becoming distant to her for a reason she does not know why, even her sweet brother lucerys has taken to not wanting to be around her. She had no one to go to when she felt alone,  when Alys came to dragonstone with the rest of her family, they were good, it was like nothing change but not too long ago Alys just stop playing with her and talking.

She didn't know what she said or did to make her friend hate her, as much as she thought back all she could think about is the days prior after Alys stop talking to her. Her aunt rhaelle took her to the beach to sit and watch the waves, while the others were flying above, that day akys was visiting driftmark.

Jaenara didn't know much about her aunt just that she was sweet and likes to eat sweets just as much as the little girl does, and another thing was their shared love for poetry and sailing. Jaenara remember after dinner rhaelle took her to the great chamber with alys and taught her how to knit, alys hated knitting she tried once but couldn't get the handle of it so when rhaelle and jaenara stayed together knitting, alys left without a word. It was hard at first for her to knit but after a couple of days of her aunt teaching her she got better and now she knits all the time.

The day before Alys stop talking to jaenara, rhaelle gave her a pretty necklace with a silver chain and  dragonglass arrowhead shape with carvings of the word "protection" in high valyrian vertical, it was the greatest gift anyone could have given her. She told alys about the sweet gift and she remembers how alys look at the necklace with an unreadable look, before saying it was pretty alys pulled jaensrs into her room and they started playing.

After that day, alys has been treating jaenara like her mother does, like she didn't exist, and when alys did talk to her it was always so mean like not too long after her aunt barely interacted with her making her go back to that feeling of being alone. She realize it all started with the necklace and as much as she loved it she took it off, and hide it in her trunk, now today was her second week of not wearing it.

Jaenara walk into the dinning hall to find her aunt with daena in her lap bouncing gently on rhaelle's knee, baelon sitting across from maekar, alys was sitting in the middle across from baela. She move to the table and sat next to alys who didn't look at her as she continues to talk to baela, jaenara looks away from them towards the door where daemon walk in.

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