Chapter - 005

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Valaena walk up the hall to her twin brother room, after leaving from her mother's chamber. Her other twin was already sitting on the bed with aeron talking, both boys stop and look over at their sister who walk towards them.

"Have either of you seen mother, I look in her room and she wasn't there." She took a seat on the edge bed, they shook their head no.

"Did you check in baelor's room." She nodded in affirmative.

"He was getting dressed by Alora," Corwyn made a sound as he look  anywhere but his siblings before he spoke up.

"What a surpise his usually attach by her teat by now, maybe her milk has gone sour." He said snickering, Aeron glare at his younger brother as Valena just roll her eyes.

"Where do you think she could be?" Valaena asked Aeron, completely ignoring her other brother.

"Anywhere, flying, at the beach, why are you looking for her anyways. You usually don't ask mother for anything." Valaena pursed her lips before shrugging her shoulders.

"I just want to know when we going back to king's landing, we been here for nearly two weeks and I miss alicent terribly." She said, it's been a long couple of days, and all she wish to do is go back home to her big sister and father.

"I wouldn't hold my breathe if I were you," Corwyn mumbled flicking something of his shirt.

"Why you say that?" Valaena asked looking at her brother with a small frown, corwyn sigh rolling his eyes.

"I think you know, sister." Valaena look at her brother before glancing at aeron, who was staring at the duvet he was under with furrow brows.

"I need to find, mother." She said already leaving out of the room hurriedly, leaving her brothers look after her.


Rhaelle sat on the beach with her bare feet in the sand, she watch the waves roll in as she thought about last night. She sigh as her messy curls fell in front of her face, she turn when she felt a presents near her.

"Can I help you?" She asked the familiar woman that she saw on the docks days ago at king's landing, the woman in red took a sit closer making rhaelle get up in case this woman was a threat.

"No, but I think I can help you, m'lady." Her voice was a bit deep and strong, rhaelle eased up and look at her in question.

"Why exactly would i need your help?" She asked.

"I heard about your predicament from some associates of mine..." The woman in red started.

"You mean alora and meya," Rhaelle suck her teeth softly, she knew deep down that something was off when she meet them.

"Yes, we were sent here to find a wife for our king," Rhaelle raise a brow at the woman in red, did she just say her king, she asked herself.

"Your king?" She said steadily making sure, she heard right, the woman nodded taking a step closer, making rhaelle give her hard look warning her not to come any closer. The woman stood still with a small smile playing on her lips, she put her hands togther in front of her before speaking.

"Yes, King Thoros, he had appointed me into finding him a new wife." She begins, "Our king is dying and he has no relatives or childern to take his place, so he hopes to find a worthy wife to bear him childern before he passes." Rhaelle furrow her brows and crosses her arms.

"So, you think I'm worthy?" The lady nod, "Why? You know what happened with my last husband, I don't think your...lord would want a disgrace lady as your new...lady." Rhaelle said bit awkward as she look at the other lady complex.

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