Chapter - 35

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As I maneuver around the lords and ladies, I bump into meleah who was still carrying my plate.

"There you are, my queen. I was looking all over for you," she said looking at me, "You gave me a fright when I turn to see you were gone," she said with a hint of anger, I gave her a apologic look before apologizing.

"I'm sorry, dear friend. I saw a bird and got distracted by daemon-" I look over my shoulder to see him talking to his neice before looking at Meleah to see her brows shot up stopping me.

"You saw daemon, what did he say? Did he say anything to you." I opened my mouth to speak, but when my eyes caught viserys and otto coming my way making me snap my mouth shut and look at meleah.

"I'll tell you later, don't bring up daemon" I utter fast before plastering on a small smile as the last two people I wanted to be around stood just three feet away from me.

"Rhaelle." Viserys bow his head towards me, I do the same to him before glancing at otto.

"Otto." I acknowledge.

"Woman." He says back, he glance up and down my body before averting his eyes else were. Pervert. I mentally roll my eyes as I look back at viserys.

"I'm apologize I couldn't make it to the welcoming party, I had some..." I look at meleah before back at viserys, "things I needed to discuss with my...advisor." I said with a small smile.

Viserys made a surpise noise as he look to meleah, "Oh, I did not know she was your hand, what ever happened to what's his name..." he look at otto for help on the last hand of the king.

"Stefon, I believe." Otto said making viserys nod his head.

"Yes, Stefon. What ever happened to him." Viserys asked looking at me curiously.

"Oh, he was hanged for his crimes against the crown." I said making viserys and otto stare at me stunned, "Yes, I found it was him behind it all. The coup, the rebellion, and the attempt of my late husband's life and mines as well."

"O-oh, rhaelle. I am so sorry-" viserys started.

"Don't be sorry. Actions have consequences and his action lead to many to die and his punishment was to hang in the square so everyone could see the traitor that he was." I smiled, my eyes glance at otto when talking about steforn before I look back at viserys, who gave me a odd look before plastering on a small smile.

"Yes, well...anyway, you said you were discussing a matter. Does that mean you have decided on our offer." He ask hopefully making me give him a sweet smile, oh boy I did.

"Yes, I have..." I say before looking at meleah and glancing down at the plate and taking a tidbit before eating it, "but first, I want to talk about another alternative." My hand hover over my mouth as I chewed and talk at the same time.

"Your not in the position to be making offers, not when-" I put up my hand motioning to him to shut it.

"I was talking to the king, not his lickspittle," I smirk looking at him as otto sneer at me, I drop my hand looking at the king, " I have an idea that could fix our little problem, without blood and fire being involved." Viserys furrow his brows confused.

"War wasn't really an option, rhaelle." I look at him with mock confusion.

"Wasn't it? By the way, you and otto was saying it, it seemed like my position could have started a war." I said.

"A war?" My eyes flit to daemon moving to stand by his brother as he look between you and viserys, "What war?" He asked looking at his brother.

"There's no-." He look to daemon.

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